3512: Method to My Madness - Harriet Potter

Feb 02, 2016 22:10

- The link of the day is Is Ahsoka a Mary Sue? Answers and Explanations. I'm not sure why I'm finding so much info about Star Wars Sues. Pretty much I'm looking for Mary Sue graphics. The one in question is in the first post, and the writer says, “unfortunately, I've found that sometimes this graphic is true”, but it's not. That's the term being used incorrectly.
- Flashback Sue

TITLE: Method to My Madness
SUE-O-METER: Toxic... I'm not sure why the writer thought this was a good idea.
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is their name written wierdly on top of a nom, nom peach, which
SUMMARY:”Lily Potter disguises her daughter as a boy to keep her safe. Harry (Harriet) Potter grows up in secret with fairies until she attends Hogwarts and Dumbledore makes her live with the Dursleys. What is the voice in her head? Who is the red eyed boy she keeps seeing in her dreams? Eventual Time Travel Fic. Darkish!Harry Smart!Harry Genderbend!Harry Manipulative!Dumbledore.”
FULL NAME: Harriet Potter and the fairies
SPECIES: An OC the writer is trying to pass off as a canon character.
HAIR: Don't really care...
EYES: Don't really care...
MARKINGS: Don't really care...
POSSESSIONS: She's got the personality of a Purity Sue, so to speak.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is a re-write of the Voldemort confrontation, and Lily gets mad because James' wants to contact Albus, but Lily acts like doing so would put her in danger. (No, it would not.) Soon after Harriet is born, they apparated over to the forbidden forest. She drops the child off with the fairies in the forbidden forest, and gives the child a potion which changes the age. Thus he's “protected” when Voldemort comes around, and the faeries come to collect him.
ORIGIN: The writer decided to toss whatever canon they want. How many times have we noted that the point of an AU isn't to toss whatever canon you want? If you butcher the canon this much, you might as well just go ahead and write original fiction.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: We've got another butchering of the prophesy. First, the prophesy wasn't known until closer to when Harry and Neville turned a year, and yet this prophesy is known about right after the birth.

NOTES: If you're hiding your daughter among fairies, and I think I know which fairies the Suethor is referring to - not the Harry Potter kind, why do you need to also disguise their gender? Telling the readers that Lily has a method to her madness via the title of the fic does not mean she really does either.

Here is the awful prophesy.

A child is born as the seventh month dies,
No one knows the truth she must hide.
Her natural state is of great peril,
Until the time of her reveal.
Seek safety in the opposite facade,
The scars will heal but never fade.
Born with the power the Dark Lord Knows not,
A prophecy broken a prophesy wrought.
Flee, flee, flee through the times.
To the place where church bells chime.

Suethor, your prophesy is not better then Rowling, and is pretty bad. All it does is turn Harriet into an over blown Mary Sue.


On July 31, 1980, a baby's cry rang out in the silence of Godric's Hollow. Lily Potter looked down at her daughter in her arms. Verdant green eyes flashed brilliantly in the dark and the baby giggled at her mother. A sound between a sob and laugh escaped Lily's throat.

"James, she is beautiful." The new mother whispered.

"Yes. She is our beautiful daughter." Her husband replied.

As if knowing what her mother was saying, Harriet Potter started making cooing noises and laughed. Seeing her daughter laugh, Lily felt a warm feeling was over her. But as soon as it came, it was replaced by dread. Lily's face suddenly turned serious. This precious baby, her little girl, will have to grow up in a time of war with the possible weight of being the savior. It was not the future Lily had imagined for her child at all, and it was certainly not the future that Lily planned for her child to have.

"James, the prophecy, we have to protect her. She is our baby girl." Lily stated quietly. She knew the future for them was bleak, and a dark premonition hung in the air.

James sighed.

"You know I will never put our child in harm's way Lily. But both you and I know the prophecy. She will be the one to defeat You-Know-Who."

rating - toxic, pb - magic stick, pb - taco-show, ct - fairy/fae (full), ac - time travel, stu - harry potter, of - prophesy, ap - academic pursuit, pw - ron the death eater

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