Book Meme, Pottermore and some Update stuff

Sep 23, 2011 11:57

Meme snagged from severus_kat

1. What was your favorite childhood book?
"The Wizard of the Emerald City" and all it's serial by Alexander Wolkov

2. What book do you think was best adapted to film?
I never really cared for films except for the Potter-Movies, obviously.

3. Who is your all time favorite author? (fiction or nonfiction)
JKRowling and Markus Zusak

4. What book most defines/defined your teenage years?
Little Prince and the Potterbooks of course

5. If you could only read one book/series your life long, what would you choose to eternally re-read?
Harry Potter by JKR
Totally agreed with severus_kat

6. Which book would your trade instead of water in the Gobi Desert?
"The wise Men's Fear" by Patrick Rothfuss

7. What is your most obscure book that no one else knows about / seems to like?
"The Joker" by Markus Zusak

8. What magazine/magazines do you most read?
Rarly any magazines. Sometimes PC-Magazines or "Neon"

9. What do you consider to the the biggest masterwork of literature (not necessarily in English)
I'm still too young to know

10. What words from a book (sentence or phrase) describes you?
“I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.” by Louisa May Alcott

Yes, I'm still alive. Kind of. University is hard and I just failed miserably in German Literature. Well, life has to go on and so I chose Educational Studies instead. It sounded interesting from what I already read. There is nothing more daffy than to know your mistakes while you're making them and not stopping at the very moment you notice them. Yes, I was lazy as hell, but well ... what's done is done and now I look forward to a new, intressting field of study.

And nooooow, let's talk about Pottermore. Yes, I'm already in and I am sorted into Ravenclaw, which surprised me a bit, but not too much. Slytherin and Ravenclaw are not too far away from each other as one can see when he or she takes a look at the housepoints. Slytherin and Ravenclaw differ only in a sum of few points. Both leading of course ;) I like Pottermore but I wish it would be a bit more interactive. They activated the first book only, so maybe there is more to see in further adventures. If you wish to add me, I'm EyeScale179.

All in all, much happend and nothing at all. I still love to read and write, I still love to do graphics and I still love to be lazy. Nevertheless, I do have I few icons to provide. Not many, though.

Have a happy weekend,

iconistin, pottermore, meme

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