My Journal Title

Apr 24, 2008 22:31

It has been many years since the founding of this [much neglected] journal.  This entry is devoted to explaining the origins of this journal....

Ohhh...where to begin?

Ok, I guess this whole thing starts on a little Mugglenet Forum I used to post on called the New Clues 6 Discussion Forum, which I'm pretty sure is now defunct.  It was a forum Mugglenet had set up to discuss the Harry Potter books (pre-HBP that is) using the methods described in Galadriel Waters' New Clues to Book 6.  I didn't realize this when I first signed up, I thought it was a generalized discussion forum, and had no idea we were supposed to have read a book.  I was able to remain in ignorance because the forum had an area where the New Clues methods didn't have to be used, which is where I did most of my postings.  I'm pretty sure it was the very first online forum I was ever apart of.  Gradually, I became sucked into what became known in Harry Potter fandom as the "Ship Wars" (Ship is derived from relationship).  There were two camps in these Ship Wars- the camp that believed Harry/Hermione would get together, and the camp that believed Ron/Hermione would get together.  There were also secondary ships associated with these two parties.  Harmonians* (a nickname for Harry/Hermione supporters) often paired Ron up with Luna, and Herons (a nickname given to Ron/Hermione supporters**) paired Harry up with Ginny or Luna.

I was a staunch Ron/Hermione supporter, and I was one of quite a few.  One day, I received a private message from one of my comrades-in-arms inviting me to join a Yahoo group for the Heron army.  I accepted the invitation.

Fast forward a few years.

HBP has just come out.  JKR has given an interview with the webmaster and the webmistress of the two most prominent Harry Potter fan sites.  During the interview, when the topic of the Ship Wars came up JKR confirmed that the true canon Ship would be Ron and Hermione, and that she had left "anvil"-sized hints for the ship throughout the series.  It was at that particular juncture, upon pressure from my comrades-in-arms in the Yahoo group, that I founded this journal and called it The House of Anvils.  That is also why my logo/mascot, was, at first, an anvil.

Writing this has made me realize the rather ignoble fact that I could write volumes about the Ship Wars, and I wasn't even that enthusiastic of a participant.  In fact, I was relatively apathetic, when it came to the Wars themselves (i.e. those taking place on the forums).  This was a pretty quick gloss, I mostly just wanted to tell you how I came to starting this journal.

*Derived, loosely, from a combination of the names Harry and Hermione.

**Derived from a combination of the names of Hermione and Ron.

harry potter, random stuff

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