Jul 18, 2005 15:32
okay, so the official weight loss so far is 9.2 lbs. I dont really think I look any different.. my tummy might be smaller, but the rest seems the same.. all my clothes certainly still fit the same.
so to make myself lose weight quicker and better... so, i can be at like a total loss of 15-20 lbs before school starts is to make myself run in sweats everyday.. i had been doing some regular running on the weekends..but now it is everyday. and im trying to up it to a mile. but its hard cause of my asthma..so i do 1/2 then 1/2. another thing is my undying affection for diet coke.. i drink it like water now cause it helps make me feel full. i mean, im still eating... and doing my shakes and stuff, but i'd like to cut out snacks and drink some DC instead.. i might just be looking for something that has a taste and now i have it. pilates may have to make a reappearance into my daily routine as well... or maybe tae-bo? who knows.. i just want some variety cause the pilates DVD lady was pissing me off.. i am doing lots of crunches and shit too so i can look all cutesy in my homecoming dress, etc. i really thought that summer would be a great time to diet, and it has ben great because i can control what i eat more easily (i will be bringing my lunch to school when it starts up..how much of a loser am i gonna look like with a slimfast bar and a diet coke?) but it has proven to kinda suck cause i want to go school shopping but im afraid that i will get smaller and then not fit into the stuff i buy.. i know.. must suck to lose weight, huh? jk.. im happy that its actually working.. maybe to give myself a little boost, im thinking of doing the hollywood diet.. its a 2 day juice fast where you can lose up to 10 pounds..it costs like $15..but really, thats worth it...even if i only lose like 5. then i can just go back to slimfast..but if i do the hollywood diet, im gonna have to stop working out and stuff cause i dont want to die/pass out. when school starts...im gonna have to start eating more anyways cause of volleyball and needing energy and all that..so i really need to get this weight loss done during the summer.. i get the feeling that school be where i gain more muscle...damn libero.
anyways...how much would i love to be on a slim-fast commercial with justine and betty talking about how much we love it? sooo much, i would. so much.
i know this was a long entry that no one is really interested in.. but who knows..maybe someone wants to go on slimfast out there... and i'll tell ya, it is AWESOME and DELICIOUS..
im off to get some more DC and maybe a cookie bar soon.. im delighted with my life and i can't wait to get smaller and happier..cause thats really how it works, huh?