Title: Fever
Pairings: Harry/Ron/Hermione, Draco/Ginny
Rating: PG-15 for mention of nudity, kissing and one naughty word.
Summary: Hogwarts is gripped in a heatwave and the students do what they can to cool down.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
It’s the hottest September night on record. Although the staff of Hogwarts have repeatedly cast cooling charms over the school, the heat has somehow penetrated through them to turn the inside of the entire castle into a more than passable impression of an oven.
The majority of the student body have left their dormitories to seek solace in the night air, although the humidity has done nothing to aid their plight. There is no rhyme or reason as to the cause of the heatwave, but there isn’t a single witch, wizard, pet, Squib or ghost who doesn’t wish it would somehow miraculously cool down.
The three seventh years have taken advantage of the rare freedom afforded them so late at night and make their way to the other side of the lake. The Head Girl has, in her earlier trip to the library in a vain attempt to find a cause for the sudden rise in temperature, discovered that the Great Lake runs into a little known, private lagoon. The cover of darkness allows them to wander off unnoticed, and it’s the only suggestion she can come up with to cool down.
Harry and Ron follow along dutifully, not able to even gather enough breath to talk on the way there. When they arrive, however, it occurs to them that they did not bring suitable swimming attire.
“We could always transfigure some swimmers out of our clothes,” Ron points out helpfully.
Harry and Hermione are silent for a few long moments, then Hermione, who is standing between them, takes a step forward. “We aren’t allowed to use magic outside of the school,” she counters. “Technically speaking, we’re not in school, are we?”
Before Harry or Ron can say anything, she has pulled off her t-shirt. She can see neither of them as they are standing behind her, but somehow she knows their eyes are on her and their mouths are gaping in surprise.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she says almost irritably. “Do you want to go for a swim and cool down or don’t you?”
Not bothering to wait for an answer, she steps to the water’s edge and dips a bare foot in it. The water is soothing and cool, and she grins widely, then carefully removes the rest of her clothing and places them in a neat pile to her right. She knows that her best friends can only see her outline in the moonlight, but she doesn’t give them much chance to view her before diving into the water, fully immersing herself, before surfacing and turning to face them.
“This is just marvellous,” she says. “Are you going to join me?”
She watches as Harry and Ron exchange glances, and then Ron shrugs. “Mate,” he says to Harry. “I am too damn hot to be bothered about anything right now.” He strips and joins Hermione in the water, making sure to keep a respectable distance from her. They indulge in some splashing, then both look at Harry, who is still standing by the lagoon’s edge, fully clothed.
“Harry,” Hermione says tentatively. “Are you going to come for a swim? The water really is nice and cold.”
They can both sense his hesitation. Hermione smiles as she realises that he is almost shy about the notion of being naked around them. He wages an internal battle and in the end merely shrugs, shucks off his clothes and glasses, and jumps in.
When he surfaces, he can see little, and he calls out to them. They instantly reach for him, pulling him to them, and they form a little circle, each clinging to the others. A pall of silence falls over them, the sound of their breathing the only thing that permeates the stillness.
It is Hermione who breaks the silence. “Is it just me, or is it still hot?” she whispers in a low, breathy voice.
“It’s still hot,” Ron whispers back, just as his mouth closes over hers. Seconds later, she feel another pairs of lips on her neck, and she surrenders to the heat.
Draco Malfoy is not in a good mood. It is too fucking hot. His hair will not stay slicked back as he likes it. The Slytherin common room is like an incinerator, even though it is in the dungeons. Draco cannot understand why the Hogwarts staff are so thick that they cannot successfully cast a few cooling charms, and he gets so fed up he heads up to go outside, hoping to find something - anything - that will relieve him of his disagreeable disposition.
Briefly, he wonders where she is, but she leaves his thoughts as he pushes open the doors that lead to the entrance. It seems he is not the only one to have this idea, and he finds himself more than mildly annoyed that there does not seem to be a place for him to be able to sit in peace. He stomps around for awhile, throwing scowls at anyone who dares to look his way or, heaven forbid, speak to him.
She is sitting under a tree, her skirt pushed up so that almost all of her thigh can be seen, and her cotton shirt is tied in a knot just under her breasts. Normally, he would possessively want to manhandle her, but he can tell from the expression on her face, which he can see because she has her wand next to her with a small amount of light bleeding from its tip, that she is no mood to be touched, much less manhandled.
His mouth opens and he licks his lips as he notices what she has in her hands. One is wrapped around a small container; the other holds an ice cube. Her long red hair is pinned up off her neck, and she is running the cube around her neck and top of her chest. The ice melts instantly, leaving a trail of water behind. Draco wonders how much she would resist if he was to follow the trail with his tongue.
Before he can muse any more about it, Ginny is looking at him with a bored expression. “Are you planning to stand there all night or are you going to sit down and have an ice cube with me?”
Draco stands over her and pretends to ponder the question, as if there is a choice. “The latter, I suppose,” his tone inflecting that she should consider herself lucky that he is gracing her with his presence.
Ginny knows her lover well enough to ignore the pompous attitude and waits until he has settled next to her before offering the container to him. It is full to the brim with ice cubes, and Draco sighs contently as he picks one up.
“What an excellent idea,” he offers, popping it into his mouth.
“Of course it is. I thought of it.” Ginny would sound smug but she is just too hot.
Draco eyes her for a moment, then picks up another cube. “Really? I have an even better idea.”
Ginny turns towards him, her eyebrows raised slightly in a dare, and he places the cube between his lips and leans forward.
She meets him halfway and they pass the cube between them, melting it on their tongues as they kiss feverishly.
The cube soon disappears, but they don’t notice.