HP Fest News Round-up: September 4, 2024

Sep 03, 2024 18:42

News and Announcement

fortheloveoffests: Announced Discord-based For the Love of Fests & Back to Roots.

superfriction: Announced Drinny Fall Fic Fest 2024.

slythindor100: Announced 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2024.

slytherincabal: Announced Muggleborn Draco Fest.

newts-fest: Announced Severus/Hermione prompt challenge N.E.W.T.s Fest (AO3).

change-is-perceivable: Percy-centric. AO3 collection closes on September 5.
hd-owlpost: Announced H/D Owlpost 2024 (Tumblr).

hp-soulmates-secret-santa: Posted fest rules.

blackbrothersfest: Deadline extended to September 15.

hpsapphiczine: Interest check for HP Sapphic Zine & survey.

jeguluskinktoberr: Announced Jegulus Kinktober 2024.

baby-bumps-broomsticks: Announced Baby Shower Bingo.

hpdaddyknowsbest: Announced A Very Merry Daddy Knows Best 2024.
Act_oberHPFest: Announced Harry Potter Act Fest 2024.


fandom-empire: Announced Fandom Empire Mahjong Challenge. (Multi-fandom)

au-challenge: Announced AU Challenge Community. (Multi-fandom)

summerofhorrorexchange: Announced Fall Into Horror. (Multi-fandom)

kidscomefirst: Announced Kids Come First Exchange. (Multi-fandom)

macrocest: Announced Cestember 2024 (Tumblr). (Multi-fandom)

drabbleonficathon: Announced Drabble on Ficathon 2024. (Multi-fandom)

kinkhub: Announced Kink Hub. (Multi-fandom)

trope-of-the-month: Announced Trope of the Month. (Multi-fandom)

smashthechampagnebottle: Announced zero fic ship Smash the Champagne Bottle. (Multi-fandom)

communal-creators: Announced support community Communal Creators. (Multi-fandom)

ghostsfanficevents: Announced Ghost's Spooktober. (Multi-fandom)

polyshipweek: Announced Polyship Week. (Multi-fandom)

Mini-fests, Seasonal Prompt Challenges and Other Events

change-is-perceivable (Percy): AO3 collection closes on Septebmer 5. *UPDATED*

ladiesofhpfest Ladies of HP Fest 2024: Ends on September 9 (New Schedule).
D/Hr Birthday Bash 2024: Draco's birthday celebration ends on September 19.

hp-podfic-mini-fest (Tumblr): Submit audio works by September 27.

dhrmonth (Draco/Hermione): Ends on September 30 (Prompts). *NEW*

pieceofshitregulus: Ends on September 30. *NEW*

hp-soulmates HP Soulmates Tumblr Fest: Ends on October 31 (Prompts).
Peter Pettigrew Fest 2024: Open for submission till October 31.

fleurmioneweek: Begins on September 16 (Prompts).

wolfstarkinktober2024: Begins on October 1 (Prompts).

jeguluskinktoberr: Begins on October 1 (Prompts). *NEW*

2024starchaserweek (James/Regulus): Begins on December 16 (Prompts).

Open for Prompting

HPEmoFest (AO3) HP Emo's Not Dead Fest: Prompting ends on September 30? *NEW*
Harry Potter Act Fest 2024: Prompting ends on October 30? *NEW*

Open for Claiming and Sign-up

Drinny Fall Fic Fest 2024 (Draco/Ginny): Sign-up ends on September 8. *NEW*
hd-owlpost |
hdowlpost (exchange): Sign-up ends on September 13. *NEW*

snarryauctoberfest (AUs): Claiming ends on September 15.

hpacearofest HP Ace/Aro Fest: Claiming ends on September 22.

tomarrybigbang: Back-up/pinch hitter sign-up ends on September 30.

potterfilmfests HP Horror Movie Fest: Claiming ends on September 30.

hd-tarot: Claiming ends on October 3.

prongsfootfest (James/Sirius): Claiming ends on October 10.

scream_fest_ (AO3; horror): Claiming ends on October 11.

underyourspellfest (sapphic): Claiming ends on October 13.

jr-bigbang J/R Big Bang 2025 (James/Regulus): Writer sign-up ends on October 13. *NEW*

tomionesmutfest2024 (Tom/Hermione): Claiming ends on October 14?

jegbigbang Jeg Big Bang 2024 (James/Regulus): Artist sign-up ends on October 15.

hphalloweenfest (AO3): Claiming ends on October 15.

marauderspolyamfest: Claiming ends on October 16. *NEW*

padfootfest (Sirius): Claiming ends on October 19.

slitherinfest (bottom Tom|Voldemort): Sign-up ends on October 30?
Harry Potter Act Fest 2024: Claiming ends on October 30. *NEW*

fanged-fate-fest (Harry/Tom|Voldemort): Sign-up ends on November 1?

hpnostalgiafest (Slytherin/Gryffindor ships): Sign-up ends on November 1.

moonwater-fest-2024 (Remus/Regulus): Claiming ends on November 1. *NEW*

marauders-taylor-fiending Taylor Swift Jukebox Fest (Marauders' Version): Sign-up ends on November 12?

wwreversetropefest2024 Wizarding World Reverse Trope Fest: Claiming ends on November 12.
A Very Merry Daddy Knows Best: Claiming ends on November 17. *NEW*

into-the-jeggyverse Jegulus Bingo: Sign-up ends on November 23.

jr-bigbang J/R Big Bang 2025 (James/Regulus): Artist sign-up ends on January 12. *NEW*
Baby Shower Bingo: Sign-up ends on March 1. *NEW*

Submission Deadline

hp-unspeakables: Works due on September 14.

blackbrothersfest |
blackbrothersfest: Works due on September 15. *EXTENDED*

prongsfootproject Prongsfoot Reverse Big Bang: Fics due on September 16.
Siriusly Noah Fest (any pairing): Works due on September 29?

tmcficfest The Marauders Creature Fic Fest: Works due on September 30.
hd-fan-fair |
hd-fan-fair H/D Muggle Fair: Works due on September 30.

tomarrybigbang: Works due on October 5.

rsbigbang R/S Big Bang 2024: Art due on October 15.

twhos-fests Gothic Fantasy Fest 2024 (Slytherins): Works due on October 17.
Crucio and Cocktails Exchange (Death Eaters): Works due on October 17.

marauders-spookfest: Works due on October 27.

hd-erised: Works due on November 4.

hssrarepairs HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs 2024: Gifts due on November 15.

jegbigbang Jeg Big Bang 2024 (James/Regulus): Final draft due on November 30.

marauderssecretsanta: Works due on November 30.
Draco's Den Denopoly24 (Slytherins): Works due on December 31.

Currently Posting

ladiesofhpfest Ladies of HP Fest 2024: AO3
D/Hr Birthday Bash 2024 (Draco/Hermione): AO3

hp-soulmates HP Soulmates Tumblr Fest 2024: AO3

drarry-mini-bang Drarry Mini Bang: AO3

peterpettigrewproject Peter Pettigrew Fest 2024: AO3

change-is-perceivable Change is Perceivable (Percy): AO3 *NEW*

into-the-jeggyverse Jegulus Bingo: AO3 *NEW*

hd-hurtcomfort-fest HD Hurt/Comfort Fest 2024: AO3 *NEW*

horriblegoosefest HP Horrible Goose Fest 2024: AO3 *NEW*

feastfest The Great Wizarding Feast Fest: AO3 *NEW*

drarry-lets-play Drarry Let's Play 2024 (gaming): AO3 *NEW*

dhrmonth Dramione Month 2024: AO3 *NEW*

hpdrizzle HP Drizzle Fest 2024: AO3 *NEW*

pieceofshitregulus Piece of Shit Regulus Fest: Tumblr *NEW*
Baby Shower Bingo: AO3 *NEW*

marauders-omegaverse-fest Marauders Omegaverse Fest: AO3 *NEW*

conangray-marauders-fest Conan Gray Marauders Fest: AO3 *NEW*

Latest Masterlists & Reveals (August 21 - September 4)

rarepair-shorts |
hprarepairshorts Rarepair Shorts Summer Wishlist 2024: AO3

wolfstarbingo2024 Wolfstar Bingo 2024: AO3

drarrydisabilityfest Drarry Disability Fest 2024: AO3

struttingstag The Strutting Slut Fest 2024 (James-centric ships): AO3

snarrybang |
snarrybang SnarryBang! Exchange 2024: AO3 | Masterlist
Behind the Greenhouse: A Sexy Summer Fest (canon couples): AO3
Draco/Ginny Fic Fest 2024: AO3
HP Fairy Tale Fest 2024: AO3

dramionewriterssociety The Story of Us Fest (Taylor Swift): AO3

bellatrixfest Bellatrix Fest 2024: AO3

captivousfest Captivous A Tomarrymort Festival: AO3 | Masterlist

sapphicscotfest Sapphic Scot Fest 2024 (Minerva-centric femslash): AO3 | Reveals

feedmyfrankensteinfest Feed My Frankenstein Fest (Death Eaters): AO3
Jily Week 2024: AO3
Wet Hot Lyrical Summer 2024: AO3
Untagged Fest 2024: AO3

tomarryverse Tomarry Tweet Fest: AO3
Harry Potter AU Fest 2024: AO3

For past masterlists, see HP Fest Masterlists for 2023 & 2024. For a list of HP fests by category, see here.

Daily, Biweekly & Monthly Prompt Communities (as of September 4)

hp_bunintheoven: Posted September Prompt. *NEW*

liquidluckdrabblechallenge (all pairings): Posted Prompt 66.
hp_nextgen100: Posted Prompt 308. *NEW*
dracoharry100: Posted Prompt 816. *NEW*
harry100: Posted Prompt 500. *NEW*
draco100: Posted Prompt 173. *NEW*

neville100: Posted Prompt 546. *NEW*
dove_drabbles: Posted August Prompt. (Multi-fandom)

emotion100: Posted September Prompt. (Multi-fandom) *NEW*
ficlet-zone: Posted Challenge 78. (Multi-fandom)

bartylusmicrofic (Barty Crouch Jr/Regulus): Posted July Prompts.

jilymicrofics: Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

marauders-rarepair-fics: Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

pandalilymicrofics (Pandora/Lily): Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

prongsfoot-microfic: Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

regulily-microfic (Regulus/Lily): Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

rosekillermicrofic: Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

snarrymicrofics: Posted October Prompts. *NEW*

stag-microfic (James): Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

wolfstarmicrofic: Posted September Prompts. *NEW*

For more prompt challenge communities and alternate links, see HP only list and Multi-fandom list. Many of these communities, including the ones that no longer post new prompts, let you use older prompts.

Challenges Open Indefinitely

hprecipe-recfest: Welcomes late submissions.

potterkinkmeme Harry Potter Kink Meme: Fills open indefinitely.

themaraudersfest: Request a prompt open indefinitely.
LVDM Week: Voldemort/Draco. AO3 collection open indefinitely.

hptragedieschallenge: Tragedy adaptations and original tragedy (Prompts).
Ron's Chessboard Bingo: Sign-up & posting open indefinitely.

starflowerbingo: Star name/flower name ships (Rules & Links).

billbangsbingo Bill Bangs Bingo: Bill-centric kink bingo (Sign-up).
HMS Harmony 2023 Milestones Bingo: Harry/Hermione centric.

Posting Soon

hpbtsfest (AO3) HP Back to School Fest: September 9

unleashed-fest Unleashed Fest (Drarry, rare pair; animals): September 15

bartyevanficfest Rosekiller Fic & Art Fest 2024: October 1

Coming Soon

hp-soulmates-secret-santa HP Soulmates Secret Santa 2024: Sign-up opens on September 7.

slytherincabal (AO3) Muggleborn Draco Fest: Sign-up opens on September 7.

fleurmioneweek Fleurmione Week 2024: Begins on September 16.

wolfstarkinktober2024 Wolfstar Kinktober 2024: Begins on October 1.

jeguluskinktoberr Jegulus Kinktober 2024: Begins on October 1.

newts-fest N.E.W.T.s Fest (Severus/Hermione): Sign-up opens on November 1.

2024starchaserweek Starchaser Week 2024 (James/Regulus): Begins on December 16.

hd-collab H/D Collab Fest 2025: Sign-up begins on April 1, 2025.

hpfacultyfest HP Fuck the Faculty Fest 2024: Fall 2024

hd-cluefest H/D Cluefest 2024: Fall 2024

weasleyfest Weasley Fest: TBA

slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2024: TBA

Let me know if there are any mistakes. If you want to know which fests are happening on a specific date, see HP Fest Schedule (organised by dates). If you want to know the timeline of a particular fest, see HP Fest Spreadsheet (organised by characters & ships).

You can submit fest news, questions, general comments, suggestions, etc., to the suggestion box.

Feel free to promote any HP fests and communities on potterfests or
potterfests. See here for posting rules. Multi-fandom prompt challenges and communities are also welcome.

If you have a Dreamwidth account, you can promote your fests and challenges on
fandomcalendar or

You can also submit your fest announcement to
hpfests or
thebigbangblogproject (multi-fandom) on Tumblr.

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