Padfoot Fest 2024: Prompting Open Till June 14

May 25, 2024 15:32

Fest Name: Padfoot Fest 2024
Links: Tumblr | Rules | Prompting Post
Type of Challenge: Anonymous prompt fest
Description: A Sirius-centric fic and art fest. Both gen and ship works are welcome. Prompting is open till June 14.
Ratings Restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length Restrictions:
Fic: Minimum 1000 words; no maximum
Art: None
Prompting: May 25 - June 14
Sign-up: June 15 - October 19
Submissions Due: October 20
Posting Begins: November 3
Reveals: A week after posting is complete

medium: art, platform: ao3, platform: tumblr, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim, character: sirius black, comm: padfootfest

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