SnarryBang! Exchange 2024: Sign-up Open Till May 26 *UPDATED*

May 11, 2024 13:32

Fest Name: SnarryBang! Exchange 2024
Links: Dreamwidth | Tumblr | AO3 | Rules | Sign-up (also on DW)
Type of Challenge: Anonymous gift exchange
Description: A Severus/Harry gift exchange organised by SnarryBang!. Sign-up is open till May 26. AI-generated works and monetised works are not allowed.
Ratings Restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length Restrictions:
Fic: Minimum 2k; no maximum. The 2k word count can be spread over several works, but each fic should be minimum 1k.
Art: Minimum 1 piece; an image description is required
Podfic: Remix option only. Minimum 2k; no maximum. The 2k word count can be spread over several works, but each work should be minimum 1k.
Sign-up: May 11 - May 26 (assignments will be sent in the following days)
Submissions due: July 24
Gifts revealed: July 31
Creators revealed: Two weeks after July 31

Added: There is a remix option where you can ask your gifter to create a gift based on one or more of your own works.

platform: dreamwidth, medium: podfic, platform: ao3, platform: tumblr, medium: art, character: harry potter, character: severus snape, medium: fic, type: exchange, comm: snarrybang, medium: craft

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