Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Winter Edition: Request a Prompt Till January 24

Nov 15, 2023 09:03

Fest Name: Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Challenge Winter Edition
Links: Tumblr | AO3 | Rules | How to get a prompt
Type of Challenge: Prompt challenge
Description: A winter themed HP prompt challenge. To receive your randomly generated prompts, send the mod a message on Tumblr.
Ratings Restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length Restrictions: None. Accepts fics and all forms of art (moodboard, drawing, video, etc.)
First day to get a prompt: November 15
AO3 collection opens: December 1
Final day to get a new prompt: January 24
AO3 collection closes: January 31

platform: ao3, platform: tumblr, holiday: winter holidays, medium: vid, genre: gen, medium: art, medium: drabble, genre: multi-pairing, medium: fic, medium: any, comm: liquidluckdrabblechallenge, type: roll the dice, type: prompt challenge, medium: craft

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