HP Fest News Round-up: October 21, 2023

Oct 21, 2023 08:31

Edited on Oct 23: Blackcest Fest delayed to November 20. Changed HP Chan Fest links.

2024 HP Fest Masterlists is ready to go. Fests that are posting or running in 2024 will be on there. If there's anything you'd like me to add, please leave a comment on that post.

Let me know if there are any mistakes. For an up-to-date list of HP fest dates, see HP Fest Schedule.

News and Announcement

hpsaffics: Announced Discord members only HP Spooky Saffics.

goodgodfathersiriusblack: Announced Harry & Sirius gen Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest for January.

hpbloodlust: Announced femslash vampire event HP Blood Lust Fest & prompts.

the-house-of-nott: Announced Theodore centric The Wheels of Misfortune.

potterkinkmeme: Announced Harry Potter Kink Meme Round 2 (Tumblr).

knot-your-mothers-mods: Announced HP Chan Fest Year 2.

yuletide-and-mulled-wine: Announced Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest.

hp-soulmates-secret-santa: Announced HP Soulmates Secret Santa & rules.

hpffwritersguild: Announced Comfort Zone Fest.

thethreebroomsticksfic: Announced TTB Weasley Week 2023.

ladiesofhpfest: Announced timeline & Monthly Minis.

hpfestofstars: Announced winter holiday HP Festival of Stars 2023.
snape_potter: Announced Snarry-a-Thon24 (DW) for January.

hplyricistsfest: Announced Discord server & mini challenges.

theiceroyals: Announced Lucius/Narcissa The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza.

themaraudersfest: Marauders Fest extended to all year round.
ProngsfootBingo: Announced Prongsfoot Bingo.

the-marauders-fest: Announced Marauders Christmas Fest.
Drarry Fans Discord: Announced Drarry Fans Discord Server Double Drabble Exchange.

Mini-fests, Seasonal Prompt Challenges and Other Events

TTB Weasley Week 2023: Ends on October 22. *NEW*

hpkinktober: Ends on october 31 (Prompts).

hp-flowers Autumn Mini Round: Ends on October 31 (Prompts).
HP Cocktober 2023: Ends on October 31.

hpbloodlust (femslash; vampire): Ends on October 31 (Prompts). *NEW*

hdsudsfest (Drarry; bath): AO3 collection closes on November 25.

hpsnooze (sleep): Claiming & AO3 collection open till December 31.

potterkinkmeme Harry Potter Kink Meme: Round 2 ends on December 31 (Link). *NEW*

knot-your-mothers-mods HP No Nut November (orgasm denial): Begins on November 1 (Prompts).
The Wheels of Misfortune (Theodore Nott): Begins on November 1. *NEW*

jegulilyweek (James/Regulus/Lily): Begins on November 5 (Prompts).

knot-your-mothers-mods HP Deflower December: Begins on December 1 (Prompts).

the-marauders-fest Marauders Christmas Fest: Begins on December 20 (Prompts). *NEW*

goodgodfathersiriusblack (Sirius & Harry gen): Begins on January 1 (Prompts). *NEW*

hpcottagecorefest: AO3 collection open till end of year.

harryjamespotterweek: AO3 collection open till end of year (Link).

wood-you-rather-challenge (Oliver): Submissions are welcome till end of year.

Open for Prompting

remadorafest (Remus/Tonks): Prompting closes on October 25.

hpknotfest (knotting): Prompting closes on October 31.

dronarryfest (Draco, Harry, Ron): Prompting ends on November 3. *NEW*

hp-bardfest (Shakespeare): Prompting ends on November 3. *NEW*

Open for Claiming and Sign-up

snapecase: Sign-up open till all categories are filled.
Wicked Wizards of Hogwarts: Sign-up ends on October 21?

hd-kidfic-fest: Claiming ends on October 29.

hprarepairfest: Claiming ends on October 30.

bite-me-delight-me-hp-fest: Claiming ends on October 30.
Draco's Den Denopoly (canon Slytherins): Sign-up ends on November 1.
HP Socmed AU Fest: Claiming ends on November 3.
Dark Festivus Gift Exchange: Sign-up ends on November 3. *NEW*
Comfort Zone Fest: Sign-up ends on November 3. *NEW*
Spice it Fluff (smut): Claiming ends on November 4.

hp-soulmates-secret-santa: Sign-up ends on November 5. *NEW*

siriusblackfest: Claiming ends on November 15.

hpfestofstars: Claiming ends on December 10. *NEW*

yuletide-and-mulled-wine: Claiming ends on December 16? *NEW*
HP Crossover Gift Exchange: Sign-up ends on December 30?

hpsugarfest Sugar Daddy Harry Fest: Sign-up & claiming ends on December 31.

hpknotfest: Claiming ends on January 15. *NEW*

hpsapphicvalentines: Claiming closes on January 29. *NEW*

Submission Deadline

drarryfest (AO3 | Rules) Shadows and Spells: Works due on October 22.

firstwizardingwarfest: Works due on October 22.
Screamfest: Works due on October 23.
HP Spooky Saffics: Works due on October 23.
hp_halloween Double Drabble Exchange: Drabbles & treats due on October 25 (wishlists).
Totally Teachers Fest: Works due on October 27.

rsbigbang Remus/Sirius Big Bang: Writer final draft due October 31.

tomionebingo: (Tom/Hermione): Works due on October 31.

hd_erised (Tumblr): Works due on November 3.
hd_owlpost: Works due on November 22.

anythingbuthumanfest (Voldemort|Tom/Harry): Works due on November 23.
hoggywartyxmas Prompt Fest ( link): Works due on December 5.
hoggywartyxmas Book Club ( link): Posts due on December 5.
hoggywartyxmas Be Creative ( link): Works due on December 5.

rsbigbang Remus/Sirius Big Bang: Art due December 15.

Currently Posting

2023 Harry Potter Crossover Gift Exchange: AO3

snarryauctoberfest Snarry AUctoberfest 2023: AO3

hpdeaddove HP Dead Dove Fest: AO3

hpsnooze HP Snooze Fest 2023: AO3

dhrteratophilia Dramione Teratophilia Fest: AO3

hdsudsfest HD Suds Fest 2023: AO3
Wizarding World Kinktober Fest: AO3

hpkinktober HP Kinktober 2023: AO3

hp-flowers HP Flowers Autumn Mini Round: AO3
HP Cocktober 2023: AO3
hd_fan_fair |
hd-fan-fair H/D Career Fest 2023: AO3 *NEW*
valkyriefest 2023 (Marauders era femslash): AO3 *NEW*

hpbloodlust HP Blood Lust Fest 2023: AO3 *NEW*

potterkinkmeme Harry Potter Kink Meme Round 2 (Link): Non-anon AO3 | Anon AO3 *NEW*

prongsfootfest Prongsfoot Fest 2023: AO3 *NEW*

Latest Masterlists & Reveals (October 6 - October 21)

potterkinkmeme Harry Potter Kink Meme Round 1: Non-anon AO3 | Masterlist

drarry-lets-play Drarry Let's Play: AO3 | Masterlist

hp-mcd-fest Kill Your Darlings 2023: AO3

hp-soulmates HP Soulmates Fest (Tumblr): AO3 | Masterlist

hpcottagecorefest HP Cottagecore Fest: AO3 | Masterlist
Draco/Ginny Fic Fest 2023: AO3

hpdrizzle HP Drizzle 2023: AO3 | Anon Masterlist

hp-podfic-mini-fest 2023 HP Podfic Mini Fest: AO3 | Masterlist
D.I.L.F. Fest: AO3

unleashed-fest Unleashed Fest (Drarry & rare pair): AO3 | Masterlist
HP Halloween Fest: AO3
Harry Potter Rom Com Fest: AO3
2023 Pumpkin and Ginger Fall Fest: AO3

For past masterlists, see HP Fest Masterlists for 2022 and 2023. For a list of HP fests by category, see here.

Biweekly & Monthly Prompt Communities (as of October 21)

poetic_hp: Posted October Prompt.
hp_coffeehouse: Posted October Prompt.
hp_bunintheoven: Posted October Prompt.

liquidluckdrabblechallenge (all pairings): Posted Prompt 54.
hp_nextgen100: Posted Prompt 285. *NEW*
dracoharry100: Posted Prompt 776. *NEW*
harry100: Posted Prompt 477. *NEW*
draco100: Posted Prompt 158.

neville100: Posted Prompt 524. *NEW*
dove_drabbles: Posted October Prompt 120. (Multi-fandom)

emotion100: Posted October Prompt. (Multi-fandom)
ficlet-zone: Posted Challenge 68. (Multi-fandom) *NEW*

hinnymicrofic: Posted September Prompts.

houseofsnarry: Posted September 2023 Prompt.

hp-12monthsofmagic: Posted October Prompt.

jegulus-microfic: Posted September Prompts.

jilymicrofics: Posted September Prompts.

ladiesofhpfest: Posted November 1 Prompts *NEW*

prongsfoot-microfic: Posted September & October Prompts. *NEW*

remadoramicrofics: Posted October Prompts.

sapphicmarauding: Posted July Prompts.

sapphicmicrofics: Posted October Prompts.

wolfstarmicrofic: Posted October Prompts.
HP Monthly Challenge (AO3): Posted September Prompts.

For more prompt challenge communities and alternate links, see HP only list and Multi-fandom list.

Challenges Open Indefinitely

themaraudersfest: Request a prompt open indefinitely. *NEW*
LVDM Week: Voldemort/Draco. AO3 collection open indefinitely.

hptragedieschallenge: Tragedy adaptations and original tragedy (Prompts).
Ron's Chessboard Bingo: Sign-up & posting open indefinitely.

starflowerbingo: Star name/flower name ships (Rules & Links).

billbangsbingo Bill Bangs Bingo: Bill-centric kink bingo (Sign-up).
HMS Harmony 2023 Milestones Bingo: Harry/Hermione centric.

Posting Soon

pumpkinspiceficfest Pumpkin Spice Fic Fest 2023: October 22

peterpettigrewproject Peter Pettigrew Fest: November 1

Coming Soon

Drarry Fans Discord Server Double Drabble Exchange: Sign-up opens on October 22.

knot-your-mothers-mods HP Chan Fest: Sign-up opens on October 23.

knot-your-mothers-mods HP No Nut November: Begins on November 1.
The Wheels of Misfortune (Theodore Nott): Begins on November 1.

theiceroyals The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza (Lucius/Narcissa): Prompting opens on November 1.
Prongsfoot Bingo: Sign-up opens on November 2.

jegulilyweek Jegulily Week 2023 (James/Regulus/Lily): Begins on November 5.

hplyricistsfest HP Lyricists Fest: Prompts release on November 15.

blackcestfest Blackcest Fest 2024: Prompting opens on November 20. *UPDATED*
slythindor100 (Tumblr) 25 Days of Draco and Harry: Begins on December 1.

knot-your-mothers-mods HP Deflower December: Begins on December 1.

the-marauders-fest Marauders Christmas Fest: Begins on December 20.

goodgodfathersiriusblack Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest: Begins on January 1.
snape_potter Snarry-a-Thon24: January 2024

ladiesofhpfest Ladies of HP Fest 2024: Begins on April 28.
hp_bunintheoven HP Bun In The Over Pregnancy Fest: TBA

hp-chan-fest HP Chan Fest: TBA

You can submit fest news, questions, general comments, suggestions, etc., to the suggestion box.

Feel free to promote any HP fests and communities on potterfests or
potterfests. See here for posting rules. Multi-fandom prompt challenges and communities are also welcome.

If you have a Dreamwidth account, you can promote your fests and challenges on
fandomcalendar or

You can also submit your fest announcement to
hpfests or
thebigbangblogproject (multi-fandom) on Tumblr.

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