Harry Potter Kink Meme Round 2: October 16 - December 31

Oct 16, 2023 12:00

Fest Name: Harry Potter Kink Meme Round 2
Origin: Dreamwidth | Tumblr | AO3 (Non-Anon | Anon) | Overview
Links: Rules | Round 2 Info | Round 2 Prompting | Fill List
Type of Challenge: Prompt fest/Kink Meme
Description: See here for a definition of Kink Meme. Submit your HP kink prompts and fills in the event post on Dreamwidth. Each prompt can have multiple fills. Anon posting is allowed. You don't need a DW account to post prompts or fills. You can also post fills for previous round.
Ratings Restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length Restrictions: None. Accepts all types of fanworks: fics, art, podfics, moodboards, video, etc.
Prompting & Fills: October 16 - December 31

For Round 1: Prompts | Post Your Fills

platform: dreamwidth, genre: smut, medium: music, medium: vid, medium: art, genre: multi-pairing, medium: fic, medium: podfic, medium: poetry, platform: tumblr, platform: ao3, type: commentfic fest, medium: drabble, medium: audio, medium: any, comm: potterkinkmeme dw, medium: craft

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