HP Halloween Exchange 2023: Sign-Up Open Till October 8

Oct 01, 2023 15:34

Fest Name: HP Halloween 2023
Origin: hp_halloween |
Links: Rules | AO3 | AO3 Sign-up Form (require login) | Requests
Type of Challenge: Anonymous exchange
Description: A HP Hallowe'en double drabble exchange. Both sign-up and posting are done on AO3. You can post treats even if you haven't signed up for the exchange. Sign-up is open till October 8.
Ratings Restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length Restrictions: 200 words
Sign-up: October 1 - October 8 at 12AM UTC (8PM EDT)
Assignments Due: October 25 at 12AM UTC (8PM EDT)
Works Revealed: October 31 at 12AM UTC

To sign up, log in to your AO3 account. Then go to the AO3 Collection Sign-up Form.

You can see everyone's requests here.

platform: dreamwidth, comm: hp_halloween, platform: ao3, holiday: halloween/samhain, genre: gen, platform: livejournal, medium: drabble, genre: multi-pairing, type: exchange

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