31 Days of Weasley: August 1 - 31

Aug 01, 2023 08:11

Fest Name: 31 Days of Weasley
Origin: WeasleyJumpers (LJ | DW | Tumblr)
Links: Overview | Rules & Link to Prompts (Tumblr) | AO3 Collection
Type of Challenge: Prompt challenge
Description: A month-long daily prompt challenge in August. Each fic or art must feature at least one Weasley from the book series. AI-generated work not allowed.
Ratings Restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length Restrictions: None. Welcomes fic and art.
Timeline: August 1 - August 31

platform: dreamwidth, char group: weasleys, platform: ao3, platform: tumblr, genre: gen, platform: livejournal, medium: art, medium: drabble, genre: multi-pairing, medium: fic, type: prompt challenge, comm: weasleyjumpers

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