Black Brothers Fest: Prompting open!

Jun 27, 2023 09:25

Prompting is now open for the 2023 Black Brothers Fest!

Prompting guidelines can be found on our dreamwidth (
blackbrothersfest ) as well as on the AO3 sign up page, and prompting will remain open through July 31!

Please be aware that this fest runs solely off of AO3 - prompting and claiming will take place solely through AO3, so if you have any questions, head over to the comm and we'll be happy to help!

Tag Set | AO3 Collection | Rules & Guidelines | Discord | Schedule & Links

*Crossposted from Dreamwidth.*

platform: dreamwidth, character: regulus black, platform: discord, platform: ao3, platform: tumblr, character: sirius black, medium: art, comm: blackbrothersfest, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim

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