HP Bun In the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Claiming Open Till March 17

Feb 04, 2023 07:12

hp_bunintheoven's Pregnancy Fest will return in 2023! Come join us!
Fest Name: HP Bun In the Oven Pregnancy Fest
Origin: hp-bunintheoven |
Links: LJ Claiming Post | DW Claiming Post
Description: An anonymous HP fic and art prompt fest revolving around pregnancy. You can also claim unclaimed prompts from previous years. Posting is done on DW and LJ.
Length restrictions: Minimum 500 words. Equivalent for art.
Prompting: January 14 - February 2
Claiming Opens: February 4
Due Date: March 18

platform: dreamwidth, platform: livejournal, comm: hp_bunintheoven, medium: art, genre: multi-pairing, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim

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