HP Sweethearts: Sign-up Ends on January 12

Jan 09, 2023 06:59

Fest Name: HP Sweethearts 2023
Links: DW | AO3 | Rules | Requests | Sign-up Form
Type of challenge: Anonymous exchange
Description: A HP double-drabble exchange for Valentine's Day. Stories should revolve around romance, weddings, anniversaries, etc.
Ratings restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length restrictions: 200 words
Sign-up: January 3 - 12
Assignments Due: February 8
Pinch Hits Due: February 12
Works Revealed: February 14
Creators Revealed: February 16

To sign up: AO3 Sign-up Form (requires AO3 login)

platform: dreamwidth, medium: drabble, genre: multi-pairing, platform: ao3, holiday: valentine, type: exchange, comm: hp_sweethearts

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