Fest News Round-up: January 7, 2023

Jan 07, 2023 06:00

Happy New Year!

2023 HP Fest Masterlists is ready to go. If there is anything missing on the list, please leave a comment on that post.

News and Announcement

hp-yuletide-bliss: Remain open till late January.

hd-wireless: Announced HD Wireless 2023.

kinksofknockturnalley: Announced A Devious & Diverse New Year.

harrypocter: Announced Winter Sun POCs drabble fest.

trordiscord: Announced Tom|Voldemort/Harry February Established Relationship Fest.

hpsaffics: Announced HP Saffics New Year New Pairings challenge.

hp_sweethearts: Announced HP Sweethearts double-drabble exchange.

hpshipuary: Announced HP Shipuary 2023 & prompts.
rarepair_shorts: Announced new Rarepair Shorts mods.
harrydracompreg: Announced Harry/Draco Mpreg Fest 2023.

Mini-fests, Challenges and Other Events

magicaltrans Magical Trans Comfort Fest: Posting ends in mid-January (Prompts). *UPDATED*

hp-yuletide-bliss: Posting ends in late January (Prompts). *UPDATED*

hpcestfest HP Cest Mini-Fest: Self-posting ends on January 15.

gameofdrarry Drarropoly 2022: Sign-up and gameplay ends on January 15.
Dramione Romcom Fest Christmas Edition (Draco/Hermione): Posting ends on January 15.

harryronfest: Posting ends on January 31.
Harry POCters Winter Sun Drabble Fest: Posting ends on January 31. *NEW*
HP Saffics New Year New Pairings: Posting ends on January 31. *NEW*

the-ronnev-fic-fest (Ron/Neville): Posting begins on February 1.

hpshipuary: Posting begins on February 1 (Prompts). *NEW*

hptragedieschallenge HP Tragedies: Collection open indefinitely (Prompts).
LVDM Week (Tom|Voldemort/Draco): Posting open indefinitely (Prompts).

Open for Prompting

bloodykissesfest (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Prompting ends on January 10.
dracotops_harry: Prompting ends on January 13. *NEW*
TRoR February Fest (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Prompting ends on January 14. *NEW*

hptransfest: Prompting ends on January 15. *NEW*

Open for Claiming and Sign-up

hp_sweethearts: Sign-up ends on January 12. *NEW*

hpknotfest: Claiming ends on January 15.

ghostregulusfest: Claiming ends on January 19?

hptriadfest: Claiming ends on February 1.

dronarryfest (Draco, Ron, Harry): Claiming ends on February 5.

call-me-daddy-fic-fest: Claiming ends on February 12.

hp_goldenage Salt & Pepper Fest (over 50): Claiming ends on February 12?

rondracofest (Ron/Draco): Claiming ends on February 14.
A Devious & Diverse New Year: Sign-up ends on February 24. *NEW*

hp-chan-fest: Sign-up and claiming ends on February 28.

dont-mind-the-gap (cross gen): Claiming ends on February 28.

Submission Deadline

Dark Marauders Fest: Works due on January 10.
Comfort Zone Fest 2023: Works due on January 22.

remuslupinfest: Works due on February 28.

Currently Posting

hpcestfest HP Cest Mini-Fest 2022: AO3

hp-yuletide-bliss HP Yuletide Bliss: AO3

harryronfest HarryRon Fest: AO3
Dreomione Fest 2022: AO3 *NEW*

magicaltrans Magical Trans Comfort Fest: AO3 *NEW*
Harry POCter Winter Sun Drabble Fest: AO3 *NEW*
HP Saffics New Year New Pairings: AO3 *NEW*

snarry-fest-adopt-a-prompt Snarry Adopt a Prompt Fest: AO3 *NEW*

maraudersfullmoonfest Marauders Full Moon Fest 2022: AO3 *NEW*

Latest Masterlists & Reveals (December 21 - January 7)

hpfacultyfest HP Fuck the Faculty Fest: AO3
Liquid Luck Roll the Dice: AO3 | Masterlist
slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry: AO3
snape_potter Secret Snarry Swap: AO3 | Masterlist

hd_erised H/D Erised 2022: AO3 | Masterlist
hd_owlpost H/D Owl Post: AO3

hp-rarepairs HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs 2022: AO3 | Masterlist 1 | Masterlist 2
Wolfstar Winter Wonderland Challenge 2022: AO3 | Masterlist
dracoharry100 Dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge: LJ
25 Days of Kinkmas: AO3
2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest (Harry/Hermione): AO3 | Masterlist

wormtailweek Wormtail Week 2022: AO3 | Masterlist 1 | Masterlist 2

thethreebroomsticksficfest The Three Broomstick Yule Bash: AO3 | Masterpost

hpfestofstars HP Festival of Stars 2022: AO3

hanukkahwolfstarweek Hanukkah Wolfstar Week: AO3
rarepair_shorts Rare Pair Shorts Winter Exchange: Masterlist
hoggywartyxmas HoggywartyXmas: LJ

veryweasley A Very Weasley Christmas: AO3

For past masterlists, see HP Fest Masterlists for 2022 and 2023. For a list of HP fests, see here.

New Prompts Posted (as of January 7)

poetic_hp: Posted January Prompt. *NEW*
hp_coffeehouse: Posted January Prompt. *NEW*
hp_bunintheoven: Posted January Prompt. *NEW*

liquidluckdrabble: Posted Prompt 36. *NEW*

houseofsnarry: Posted January 2023 Prompt. *NEW*
hp_nextgen100: Posted Prompt 265. *NEW*
dracoharry100: Posted Prompt 736. *NEW*
harry100: Posted Prompt 456.
draco100: Posted Prompt 140.

neville100: Posted Prompt 503. *NEW*
dove_drabbles: Posted January Prompt 111. (Multi-fandom) *NEW*

emotion100: Posted January Prompt. (Multi-fandom) *NEW*
ficlet-zone: Posted Challenge 58. (Multi-fandom)

For more prompt challenge communities, please see here and here.

Posting Soon

snapecase The Snape Showcase 2022: January 9

Coming Soon

hp_bunintheoven Pregnancy Fest: Prompting begins on January 14.

hd-wireless H/D Wireless 2023: Prompting begins on January 14.

firewhiskeyfic FWF Next Round: January 20. (Multi-fandom)
harrydracompreg Harry/Draco Mpreg Fest: Prompting begins on January 23.

hpshipuary HP Shipuary 2023: Begins on February 1.

wshurtfest Wolfstar Hurt Fest 2023: To be announced.

Let me know if there are any mistakes. You can submit fest news, questions, general comments, suggestions, etc., to the suggestion box.

Feel free to promote any HP fests, challenges, events and prompt communities on potterfests or
potterfests. Multi-fandom challenges are also welcome.

If you have a Dreamwidth account, you can promote your fests and challenges on
fandomcalendar or

You can also submit your fest announcement to
hpfests on Tumblr.

!news round-up

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