A Brief Guide to 2022 Winter Holiday Prompt Challenges

Nov 26, 2022 09:57

December 3, 2022: Added 25 Days of Kinkmas, HMS Harmony Advent Fest, HP Yuletide Bliss, Firewhiskey Fic, Sapphic Stocking Stuffers.

This is a list of low-key December and winter holiday prompt challenges. The list includes both HP and multi-fandom challenges. I've also included challenges that aren't winter holiday related but happen to run in December. Have fun!


Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Challenge Winter Edition
Open to all HP ships and gen. Final day to request a new prompt is December 20. Last day to post your works to the AO3 Collection is December 24.
Dreamwidth | Tumblr | AO3 | Rules

HP Cockdown to Christmas
Open to all HP ships. This prompt challenge will run from November 24 to January 15.
Tumblr | Twitter | Prompt List Part 1

25 Days of Draco and Harry
To receive the early bird prompts, sign up here by November 26 at 9PM CST (10 PM EST). Self-posting begins on December 1. If you are participating in the traditional format, a new prompt will be posted daily from December 1 to 25.
Dreamwidth | Livejournal | Tumblr | AO3 | Rules

The Three Broomsticks Yule Bash 2022
A canon compliant prompt challenge. No sign up necessary. Last day to submit work to the AO3 collection is December 4. Fics will be revealed throughout December.
Tumblr | AO3 | Rules & Prompts

DracoHarry100 Christmas Challenge
No word count limit. This prompt challenge will run from December 1 to 31.
Dreamwidth | Livejournal | Rules & Prompts

Wolfstar Winter Wonderland Challenge 2022
For the Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius) pairing. The prompt challenge will run from December 1 to 31.
Tumblr | Rules & Prompts | AO3

Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2022
Hosted by the Magical Trans community. A prompt challenge for HP works with a positive tone and contain at least one trans character. Any medium of any length is welcome. The challenge will begin on December 23. AO3 Collection link to be added.
Tumblr | Discord | Rules & Prompts

Dramione RomCom Fest: Christmas Edition
A Draco/Hermione fic and art fest inspired by any romcom of your choice that takes place around Christmas. Posting deadline is January 15. Collection goes live on January 16.
Tumblr | AO3 | Rules

2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest
A Harry/Hermione advent calendar event run by the HMS Harmony Discord server. Runs from December 1 to 24.
Tumblr | Rules

25 Days of Kinkmas
Run by Kinks of Knockturn Alley Discord. A 25-day prompt challenge centering on kinks. Ends on December 25?
Tumblr | Rules & Prompts

HP Yuletide Bliss 2022
A December holiday fic prompt challenge. Runs from December 1 to 31.
Tumblr | Rules & Prompts | AO3


Wormtail Week 2022
A Peter Pettigrew centric prompt challenge. The challenge officially begins on December 5. Submissions will be accepted throughout the entire month of December.
Tumblr | AO3 | Guidelines | Prompts

LVDM Week 2022
A prompt challenge for Voldemort/Draco and Tom Riddle/Draco. The challenge officially begins on December 5. AO3 collection will remain open indefinitely. There is also a LVDM Prompt Meme where you can submit your LVDM prompts. This one is also open indefinitely.
Carrd | AO3 | Rules | Prompts

HP Tragedies
A prompt meme challenge to write a HP story inspired by classical or Shakespearean tragedy. Open indefinitely.
Tumblr | Rules | AO3 Prompt Meme Challenge | Non-Prompt Meme AO3 Collection

Game of Drarry Drarropoly 2022
A Draco/Harry prompt-based game/fest inspired by the game Monopoly. Gameplay and sign-up ends on January 15.
Tumblr | AO3 | Announcement | Handbook

HP Cest Mini-Fest 2022
Use one of the unfulfilled prompts in HP Cest Fest and create something for it. Minimum 500 words. Art and podfic also welcome. AO3 Collection will be revealed on December 1. Submission deadline is January 15.
Tumblr | AO3 | Rules

Dead Dove December
Not a fest or a prompt challenge. Throughout the month of December, post a HP fanwork containing dead dove content in protest against online fandom censorship.


New Year's Countdown 2022
A prompt challenge celebrating winter holidays and the end of the year. Last day to sign up is November 30. Self-posting open from December 1 to 31.
Dreamwidth | Livejournal | Info & Prompts | Sign-ups (DW)

A multi-fandom gifting fest. Sign up with your wish list till December 7, 11:59 PM UTC. Anyone can leave gifts under the trees.
Sign up: Nov 17 - Dec 7; Gifting: Nov 19 - Jan 4; Reveals: Jan 5
Dreamwidth | Info & Schedule | Sign Up

Advent Drabbles 2022
Advent calendar for all fandom. No word count limit. First prompt will be posted on November 30 at midnight GMT. Runs throughout December.
Dreamwidth | Rules

The Cocktail Hour
Sign up and receive the name of a mixed drink as a prompt. Submission deadline to AO3 Collection is December 30 at 23:59 GMT. AO3 Collection goes live on New Year's Day at 00:01 GMT.
Dreamwidth | AO3 | Sign-ups | FAQs

2022 Femslash Kink Meme
An annual multi-fandom comment/prompt meme fic fest celebrating kink fic in femslash. Fills are open indefinitely.
Dreamwidth | Linked Prompts | AO3 | Anonymous AO3 Collection

Sapphic Stocking Stuffers
A multi-fandom, multi-media events for femslash. Leave your requests and post fills. Open till January 2.

Firewhiskey Fic
Have a drink. Write/draw something. FWF NYE Open Bar will happen on December 31st 4pm EST (9PM GMT). It will be in a comment fic format. The next official round of FWF will happen on January 20.
Dreamwidth | Party Plans

For prompt challenge communities that run regular challenges, please see the lists for HP only and multi-fandom. (Will update the lists on Potterfests LJ later.)

platform: dreamwidth, platform: carrd, character: sirius black, holiday: winter holidays, !mod post, genre: gen, genre: multi-pairing, char group: marauders era characters, character: peter pettigrew, type: prompt challenge, character: draco malfoy, platform: tumblr, platform: ao3, character: voldemort | tom riddle, platform: livejournal, character: harry potter, character: remus lupin, type: wishlist, medium: any, genre: multifandom

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