HoggyWartyXmas 2022: Sign-up Open Till September 21

Sep 09, 2022 06:58

Note: Sign-up is now open. There are 30 spots.

Fest Name: HoggyWartyXmas 2022
Origin: hoggywartyxmas on Livejournal
Links: Announcement | Guidelines & Character List | Timeframe
Type of challenge: Anonymous gift exchange
Description: A Christmas fic and art gift exchange featuring Hogwarts staff and friends.
Ratings restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length restrictions: None
Sign-ups begin: September 9
Sign-ups end: September 21 (there are 30 spots)
Assignment sent out: September 25 (at the latest)
Deadline: December 5
Grand Opening: To Be Announced
End of Posting: To Be Announced
Afterparty and Reveals: January 9. Always.

Participating writers and artists should be willing to create gen works. You are not required to create works of a specific pairing if you are not comfortable with it.

To sign up: LJ Sign-up Post

comm: hoggywartyxmas, holiday: winter holidays, genre: gen, platform: livejournal, medium: art, genre: multi-pairing, medium: fic, type: exchange

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