HP Rare Pair Shorts: Rare Pairings Challenge 2022 Now Open

Feb 28, 2022 18:26

rarepair_shorts |
rarepair_shorts is currently running Rare Pairings Challenge 2022, an open challenge where you are invited to write or draw as many HP rare pairings as you like. You can post your fics and arts to the community from now till May 3 in your time zone.

The pairings you create for must not be on the banned pairing list.

Links: Info on DW | Info on LJ | AO3

Length Restrictions: 200 - 1500 words for fic. None for art.

Timeline: March 1 - May 3

platform: dreamwidth, platform: ao3, type: open, platform: livejournal, medium: art, genre: multi-pairing, comm: rarepair_shorts, medium: fic, genre: rare pairing, type: prompt challenge

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