hd_fan_fair |
hd_fan_fair |
hd-fan-fair has closed prompting early for H/D Career Fair 2021, and the claiming guide has been posted. The fest timeline has also been revised.
The claiming form will go live on June 19 at 7 pm EDT. (Please check
World Clock for your time zone.)
There are 350 prompts to choose from this year. You are allowed to claim your own prompt. Each prompt can be claimed once for fic and once for art. Sign-up for podficcers will happen when claiming begins.
For the claiming guide, please see here:
Dreamwidth |
Livejournal |
Tumblr For the rules of the fest, please see here:
AO3 Revised Timeline
Prompting: June 5 (Draco’s birthday) - June 15 *changed*
Claiming: June 19 (7PM EDT) *changed*
Submissions due: September 18
Posting starts: October 1
Big Reveal: November