Fest Name: Snarry Fest: Adopt a Prompt 2021
thesnarrycorner |
Fest RulesType of challenge: Anonymous prompt-based fest
Description: A Severus/Harry fest dedicated to old unclaimed prompts.
Medium: Fic, Art, Podfic
Ratings restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length restrictions:
Fic: Minimum 1000 words. No maximum
Art: None
Podfic: The selected work for podficcing should be minimum 1000 words in word count.
Prompts are Online: June 10
Claiming Opens: June 18
First Check-In: August 20
Second Check-In: October 15
Claiming Closes: December 20
Creations Due: December 20
Posting Begins: January 1
Amnesty Week: February 15
Snarry Fest: Adopt a Prompt 2021 is a Severus/Harry fest. The prompts for this fest are gathered from unclaimed prompts from older editions of various fests with permission. There is an option to self-prompt during the claiming period.
To see a preview of the prompts, please see here:
DW |
Tumblr Claiming will begin on June 18, and it will close on December 20.