Voldemort Appreciation Fest Claiming Open (Jun 7 - July 31)

Jun 08, 2021 07:46

voldemortappreciationfest has opened claiming for Voldemort Appreciation Fest, an anonymous prompt-based fest dedicated to Voldemort.

Claiming will remain open from June 7 to July 31. There is an option for self-prompting.

To sign-up for the fest, please see the Claiming Post: Link to Claiming Post

For the rules of this fest, please see here: Rules

Medium & Length restrictions
Fic: Minimum word count is 1000. No maximum.
Art: Art can be of any format, but it should be the equivalent of at least 1000 words. Artwork files should be at least 640x480 pixels. Scans of physical artworks should be clean and clear. Lossless format (i.e., png) is preferable over lossy format (i.e., jpg).
Gifsets: At least 8 gifs that tie together to tell some kind of narrative.
Moodboards: At least 5 images with an overall theme or narrative.
Fanvids: At least 1 minute long and tell some kind of a story.

Prompting opens: May 14th
Prompting closes: June 5th
Claiming starts: June 7th
Submissions due: August 1st
Posting starts: August 13th

platform: tumblr, medium: vid, genre: slash, genre: gen, character: voldemort | tom riddle, medium: art, genre: het, comm: voldemortappreciationfest, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim

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