Rare Pair Shorts: Final Day to Submit Wishlist to Summer Wishlist Event

May 29, 2021 17:14

Join the HARRY POTTER FANDOM rarepair_shorts for the SUMMER WISHLIST EVENT.
Make a wish: May 15-30 | Grant a wish: June 1 - August 31
More info available at: rarepair_shorts

rarepair_shorts has posted a reminder that tomorrow, i.e., May 30, will be the last day to submit your wishlist to the Summer Wishlist Event.

Wishlist submission will stay open until 10 pm EST on May 30.

To submit your wishlist, please go to one of the following links: Dreamwidth | Livejournal

Wishlists will be revealed on May 31. Wish granting will take place from June 1 to August 31.

Make a Wish: May 15 - May 30 (10 pm EST)
Wishlist Reveal: May 31
Grant a Wish: June 1 - August 31

genre: het, comm: rarepair_shorts, genre: femslash, medium: fic, type: wishlist, genre: slash

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