Announcing HP Crack!Fic Fest 2021!

May 08, 2021 15:18

Origin: hpcrackficfest
Link: Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Tumblr
Type of challenge: Anonymous prompt-and-claim
Description: All characters, pairings, scenarios, ratings, etc. are welcome, so long as the genre crack!fic is somehow involved!
Ratings restrictions: Open to all!
Length restrictions: None - do whatever you feel! However, we unfortunately do not accept art at this point in time, only fic.
Prompting: June 8 - 22
Claiming: June 26 - September 9
Submissions Due: September 10
Posting Begins: September 24

comm: hpcrackficfest, genre: het, genre: femslash, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim, genre: slash, genre: gen

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