My Bloody Valentine 2021 Collection Open For Posting

Feb 07, 2021 17:08

hpdarkarts's My Bloody Valentine 2021 AO3 Collection is now open for self-posting. The collection is set to unrevealed right now, so any works posted right now will not be revealed until February 13 at midnight GMT.

The collection will remain open until February 21 at midnight GMT. The posting period will end after that, and the collection will be closed. A masterlist is set to be posted on tumblr a week later.

There is no restriction on how long or short your stories need to be. Artworks, videos and podfics that explore the darker side of love/romance/ship are also welcome.

For the rules, please see here. For the link to the AO3 Collection, please go here.

medium: podfic, holiday: valentine, medium: vid, genre: slash, medium: art, medium: drabble, genre: het, type: theme, genre: femslash, medium: fic, comm: hp_darkarts

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