HP Horror Fest 2017

Jan 22, 2017 08:24

Origin: hp_darkarts
Link: HP Horror Fest 2017
Type of challenge: Prompt and Claim
Description: Anything from horror, heavy angst, infidelity and character death to Azkaban-centric and works focused on the first or second war. Works which are not necessarily dark in their theme, but which explore the Dark Arts, Dark Magic and so on are also welcome. We also welcome fanworks which deal with 'taboo' themes or kinks, such as non-con and consent related issues.
Ratings restrictions: none listed
Length restrictions: 1,000 words and equivalent for art.
Prompting: 22 January to 3 February
Claiming: 6 February
Submissions: 3 April
Posting: From 25 April

genre: smut, !mod post, genre: next gen, genre: slash, genre: gen, genre: het, medium: art, medium: drabble, genre: mpreg, genre: femslash, genre: incest, type: prompt and claim, genre: mpeg, comm: hp_darkarts

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