H/D/S Beltane 2012

Dec 03, 2011 22:16

Origin: hds_beltane
Link: Rules // Author sign-ups // Artist sign-ups
Type of challenge: Anonymous exchange
Description: Submit your preferences for a fanwork involving any combination of Harry, Draco, and Severus, and get assigned someone else to create a fanwork for.
Ratings restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length restrictions: Minimum 2000 words
Timeline: Sign ups: 3 - 31st December, 2011
Assignments will be sent out on Monday 2nd January, 2012
Participant check in - Saturday 31st March, 2012
Submissions will be due by the end of Tuesday 17th April, 2012
Posting will begin on Beltane - May 1st, 2012!

comm: hds_beltane, character: draco malfoy, genre: slash, medium: art, character: harry potter, holiday: beltane, character: severus snape, type: exchange

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