May 16, 2006 20:53
i will do everything i can to make this work. i dont think you will though. that makes me really sad because i wanted what we have to work. i thought it would. i thought you wanted it to also. why are we doing this to ourselves? i miss you the way you were. i miss us the way we were. how can we fix this? it's going to take work. can you do that? i know you've never done this before. i can work. what are we going to do? what do you want me to do? i know you feel victimized. i do too. but i try to tell you when there are things going on that i don't like. you don't tell me until we get into an argument and then you use it as ammunition... i don't understand that. i want an open, honest relationship. not one where we can't even talk because we are afraid of an argument. maybe this won't work.