Just because Narcissa Malfoy says Snape knows Lucius well and is Draco's favorite teacher does not mean he's Draco's godfather. Let's take Draco first. Since Draco got to Hogwarts Snape has established a precedent of favoring Slytherins. To what extent this is an automatic House-favoring thing versus a deliberate deep-cover spying technique is not
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Anyway, got to read more fics.
BTW the fandom cliche that always really annoyed me and which thanks to HBP is bound to come up less is the one with redeemed Draco following in Snape's footsteps as a spy. It just goes to show that some people in fandom want their bad boys both ways - a little pretend Death Eater. Personally, I think it's implausible to try to save someone by making them endanger themselves. (and I'm not talking about Snape who seems to have had little choice and seems to have defined himself by his role and hated Harry's upstaging him and questioning his courage).
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