Title: The Blame It On Atobe Series, or In The Name of Love 2016
Otherwise Known As: Worth It (Sequel to Peacock’s Thighs) Part 3/3
Author: Gold
Pairing: Oshitari/Gakuto.
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis is created by Konomi Takeshi. This work is a piece of fanfiction and no part of it is attributed to Konomi-sama or any other entity holding
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Comments 9
Marry me! I have no time to leave a particularly long review right now, so I'll be back later. But for now - I completely adored this. *mad squeeing*
BTW, I was so expecting peacock thighs to make a presence at their meal. LOL!
I adore your icon to bits and pieces, by the way (and I still grin to myself over that particular scene in the backstage Rokkaku). You've no idea how watching Saito Takumi and Aoyanagi Ruito reminded me how much I liked OshiGaku from Anipuri.
I adore my icon too! (thanks to killabarbie) Hee-hee! So bad. Saito and Aoyagi are Oshitari and Mukahi - end of story, which is probably why the SaiRui rps fic is so appealing to read and write... so going to hell for that, ah well. At least the ride will be fun, and I won't be alone!
I loved their interaction - and Atobe! Silly Busybody that he is...
Nicely done.
Atobe the Busybody figures quite frequently in my writing. He's just so amusing to write-- and he has the scads of money and the "Ore-sama" character that allow him to interfere.
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