Happy New Sun!

Dec 31, 2006 18:59

Is the new year, like the solstice, a point of great suspense? The year (or the sun) gets endier and endier, and the critical moment approaches: Will the next year come? Will the sun come back? (Nevermind that a great deal of the rest of the world has already seen for themselves that, yes, 2007 did come. On the other hand, the solstice is at the same time around the world, since the Earth doesn't need time zones to start tilting the other way again.) At 4:23(ish) Pacific Time, the (I choose the spiritual approach) darkening of the days reached their climax - and ended; what the ancient Romans called 'The Birth of the Unconquerable Sun.'
So, likewise, it is preciseley at 12:00 - the first instant of the new year (for this time zone, at least) that people rejoice in the continuation of existence.


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