Well at least I did!

Jul 20, 2006 05:40

Ever have one of those dreams where you're moving to, I don't know, Space (or maybe it was France?), a major event and all, and at the last minute, when everything's packed and you could practically leave out the door right now, you have to take your cats along with you, without ever having told them about this before? Oh, and you can't just stay home, because the world's blowing up or a meteor's coming or something.

I think I'll be going to UC Merced in the Fall. This Fall. They're just that concerned about the low number of applicants that I can still apply this oh-so-very late, it would seem. Now, nobody else around here loves the cats as much as I do. Nobody else takes care of them, nobody else has learned all about them. I don't think I'm about to up & give them back to the SPCA, my dad would be OK during the day but probably be half-abusive to them at night, my mom doesn't like them enough, my sister's too busy with god knows what; Did I mention loving them?
So yeah, I guess I'll be taking the cats with me, whenever I move out.
I guess it's not that bad; I can always decide where to move, and work out the details of where we are going to live, afterwards. But I still have to find a good enough place (it's not like I can just stick us in any tiny dorm), and I'll have to be prepared to break them in...

'Moving out' would be a lot easier to consider if I didn't have to worry about bringing along Buzz & Hobbes.

Wouldn't it be terrible if some terrible bit of news happened before my next post? Please don't let (the current) Israel(i Government) use any nukes....

changes, cats, dreams, war, school

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