Blog a Day??

Jan 06, 2011 11:02

Wordpress has challenged its bloggers to post a blog every day. I'm gonna try to do it! I think I'll try to update here as well, but I guess this is more of a 'personal' journal where my blog is more

Click here to see my blog, Under the Pink, where I write about music, entertainment, or whatever's on my mind!

If you like it please subscribe, or spread it around, or comment :) Makes me feel special! I particularly like my last two entries: one is on the podcast that ate my life, the other showcases three of the messed up songs that made me 'me' ;)

As for life stuff, I'm busy at work! Sadly it's an unpaid internship, but I'm learning a lot! This week alone I'm running a contest for one of our artists, helping build the new Filemaker Pro database (which I introduced to the company after five years of MS Excel spreadsheetery!), and am getting ready to promote an artist's new video!

I start gymming again January 15th, and hope to get a vlog off the ground as well!

I'll try to remember this exists ;) Whee?!?
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