New ME!

Feb 08, 2005 15:43

What an interestingday I've had, I'm at Annemarie's house and I've discovered that I'm Married to Claire... Her Sister, at least that is what was on my old livejournal
An annoying piano teacher is coming over... She sings like some kind of horse...she is German
By the way I'm Jerry Lynch, recently my friends had been controlling my live journal, which I've just discovered... I don't really like to write that much but i do like to talk, so writing on the interenet is very similar to talking for me. We have a very interesting a stupid teacher's assistant named Mr. Riesett who ran our class today... Has anyone heard about that livejournal or was it xanga where there was a journal about some girl who killed her mom. Scary??? I'm having some troubles concetrating cause my friend vicci is talking about Leah C's problems with clocks... Back to Mr. Riesett, he is stupid and very large (fatty!)I have a leash on my leg which is scary cause yesterday the people around me dragged me around the house...and now my hair is being strangely pulled.
By the way I know that everyone who reads my new live journal will want to respond. My hair is falling out because its being pulled.
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