april showers

Apr 07, 2005 12:54

April showers bring may flowers!
That better be true-cause otherwise we're going to have some issues.

Goober emailed me!!!!!! He's alive and well and hot-it's the hot season in Niger at the moment. Maureen and Sean-he wishes he could come home for the wedding and be my present but he doesn't have the money to do that:( However he will be thinking of you both. He also had a dream of us at Denny's-and he misses us.

Well I miss him too! I've been thinking about Goobz a bit lately. And I miss him. He is one of my favorite people in this world-which is no easy task in Dena world-well, yeah it is-but the sustainablity has to say something.

Aaron Carter day is just around the corner-He will be visiting our FYE on April 16th and you all can buy his new single and meet hime that day! On the scale of things i guess this is a point up from the Michale Bolton, if only because Aaron is younger and I guess among 12 year old girls, rather popular. And honestly his new single-we've had to listen to it in the store-it's not bad-not anything new and great-pretty much a cookie cutter sound-but it could suck-and it doesn't. So he's not a total rex manning. But after workign the ashlee simpson show-i know to have ear plugs to filter out all the shrieking teenie boppers.

Other than that-Gram's going to Toledo this weekend-so i have the house to myself! And I'm pretty excited-except for the fact that i work most of the weekend-but oh well what ya gonna do?
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