Apr 22, 2012 16:38

squeakyspooky gave me SEVEN QUESTIONS TO ANSWER

For those of you who weren't around the last time I did this meme/missed it/forgot everything/never really cared, here are the rules again:

Comment on this post with ‘he's the star-spangled man with a plan’ and I’ll give you seven things I want you to talk about. They may make sense or they may be very random. Then post that list to your journal with your commentary. Other people can get lists from you and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

1) Describe one of your first encounters with fairies. How did you figure out what you were experiencing?

Hmmmm well I've talked about the Tree Incident so much y'all are probably tired of hearing about it...but I do actually have some even earlier experiences so here's one I haven't talked about as much, mostly because at the time I had no idea what I was experiencing.

When we first moved to this house, I was about nine(?). The backyard has a slope-y bit leading down to the woods. This area, when we moved in, was full of what I thought were unicorns.

I knew they weren't...the normal sort of unicorn. They were all black, about the size of an English spaniel, and had a single antler rather than a horn; and their bodies were more deer-shaped than horse-shaped. And their eyes ranged in color from brown to red to some pale pinks. And they just sort of stood around, and didn't react much to me, although they would watch me when I walked by. Also they had rather large, sharp teeth.

Nobody else said anything about them, and by this point I had learned to shut up about weird things I saw (I learned that pretty young lol) but it was kind of confusing to me because other people WOULD walk AROUND them instead of THROUGH them...but life in general was confusing for me at that age lol.

Anyways at the time I had no idea, really, what they were or why they were there. Over the years there were fewer and fewer of them, and the ones that remained got larger, and finally there was just one large one - about the size of a horse, with red eyes - and another one about 2/3rds his size that kept across the yard from him and had pale pinkish-orange eyes. And eventually they were both gone.

Since then I've seen adult versions of these things - they tend to run alongside the car while driving on highways that run through forested areas; they can get VERY large (I don't have a good estimate, but larger than a horse); and the bigger they are, the more their antler branches. I've also encountered other people who regularly encounter faeries and have seen them as well. I classify them as probably a sort of 'fey animal', along the lines of black shucks, pookahs, etc. and have yet to hear of them being dangerous to people. I have no idea what the little ones were doing in my backyard; they barely ever moved and struck me as more like growing spores than living animals like the large ones are. I don't know if they were actually babies, or something else.

2) What is one of your favorite animals and why?

VULTURES. Because they are enormous birds and very handsome and have HUGE FEATHERS and some of them have bald heads and they have the MOST INTENSE FACES.

3) What is one of the strangest- or funniest- dreams you can remember?

Errrmmm when I was a kid I had this reoccurring dream where a sphinx cat (the 'hairless' kind, for the linkphobic) would chase me around our house and over a bunch of chairs. 6 u 9

4) If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

DON'T FOLLOW STRANGE MUSIC INTO THE WOODS...and pay close attention to your instincts.

5) What is one place you want to travel to more than anywhere else?

Ohhh errr any of the Scandanavian countries c: Norway, Finland, etc.

6) What began your love of all things creepy? ;D

I WAS BORN THIS WAY BABY. No seriously my parents love to talk about how when I was a baby I would get all excited over the villains in Disney movies and how I was totally in love with Scar. I was reading the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Goosebumps books all through elementary school. I used to investigate the dead baby birds out behind our elementary school in first grade. IT'S JUST HOW I AM, APPARENTLY.

7) Give one strange, funny or unique fact about yourself.

Ermm...hrmmmmm...oAo EVERY FACT ABOUT ME IS STRANGE. Oh here's one: one of my favorite things to do with my dog is lay in bed together with our butts touching so he keeps my butt warm for me.




memes are for chumps, memes are for awesome people

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