So on Thursday we went down to Petco and got Tripper a new bed (as well as new, limited-ingredient, high-quality food that he loves and should help with his itchies, yay!)
Unfortunately, Nikka thinks it should be her bed.
Tripper's woeface is ineffective. So Dad tried to give him the 'stand up to bullies' speech:
Tripper decided he would take the safer tactic: GO LAY SOMEWHERE ELSE, SHE CAN HAVE THE BED
"Thnx 4 the bed human"
Apparently it is comfy.
Since Tripper was failing so terribly at defending his property, I ousted her, and eventually he came back to investigate it. Upon finding it cat-free, he warily sat in it.
"Are you sure she's not coming back?"
"You'll tell me if you see her coming, right?"
" IS pretty comfy..."
The couch (with my leg as a pillow) is a safer and more cat-free environment.
Actually he has been using the bed rather a lot now (he was afraid to get in it for awhile after the cat tried to take it) and lays in it very cutely, he loves it. But every time I go to take a picture of him he gets all excited and sits up, then comes over for pets :P