So I just got a PM
She just made an LJ just to stalk me in
She is the ever-lovable
dakfire, you may have seen her around other places as part of pokemon and other fandoms. She writes fanfic and is pretty good for a 12 17-year-old, I guess, when did that happen, I am pretty sure she's lying to me and is only 12.
Anyways feel free to go harass her in a friendly way or whatever. She makes an effort to be informed about things but is not good at informing herself (I'm still teaching her to use google properly...) so uh, yeah. Also, she's dating a /b/rony. IDK, what is this monster I live with, /b/ros are not viable mates omg
Ummmmm speaking of her here's a bit of faerie incident that I was meaning to get up the other day and forgot about!
So while at the wedding, which was out on a summer camp in the middle of the woods by a lake, Paige and I took frequent walks to get away from the omgloudnoiselotsofpeople inside. So it was dark and we were walking alone in a heavily wooded area. Unsurprisingly, I soon noticed something following us behind the cabins we were walking along. It seemed to be engaging in typical follow-stare faerie behavior, and was making a sort of low cooing/ape noise (Paige apparently did not hear it). So I, being incredibly smart all of the time, tried imitating its call back to it (y'all probably don't remember me mentioning this, but this is part of what got me in trouble with that tree-of-evil-things. I can't help it though, strong mirror neurons or something I guess). It started hiding from me at this point, IDK, maybe I insulted its mother or something. Paige was also alerted to the situation by this, although I didn't tell her much because we were still a bit far from the others (although not far enough that I thought I was putting her in any danger, or else I would have turned around and not engaged it) and I didn't want her to panic.
Anyways, by this point I had not gotten much of a good look at it, just enough to know that it was there; mostly I just heard it. This was very different, since I can't remember any making noise before, except the tree things. In retrospect, maybe I should have been more wary? But it was mobile and large, which IME = safe. As far as these things go
So we start heading back and I say something to Paige. She doesn't respond; is staring over my shoulder. I don't think she ever actually heard what I said, and once we had a bit of distance from those cabins/edge of the woods, she said she had seen something between the cabins watching us; very tall, indistinct.
This is the first time AFAIK she's ever seen a faerie. This is interesting to me because it supports my personal theory that all people can see faeries, it's just a matter of either not having practice, or blocking them out mentally; or just being easily able to interpret them as something else. I am not sure. It seems like most people who see them fully as I do see the same thing; but people who only see them partially, can see some very different things, based on what they THINK they are seeing. The human mind is a very complex thing, and how it interprets visual input, even more so. This is what makes me believe that a LOT of paranormal phenomena are related to faeries and faerie creatures. I know I've talked so far about the ones that make the most sense, but I, personally, have theories that go all the way down to shadow people and many cryptids having faerie origins.
Anyways I gotta go, Paige is giving me breaking family news that we need to discuss.