MY COOKIE CUTTERS HAVE ARRIVEDDDDD SO EXCITED I took them all out of the box to look at them even though I knew I would have to put them all back in again xD
Anyways I didn't take any pics because I think I'll wait until I get their permanent home and move them from the shipping box to there. IDK when I'll have a chance to do that though, I guess on Monday when I go out supply shopping for the baking I'm going to do, we'll stop by Joanne's or maybe just like Wal*mart and get a tub with some sort of dividers.
In other baking news, I'm starting to think maybe I should just make my own vanilla sugar, because it's very hard to come by but it's so tasty! GDI America why can't you pay attention to the awesome things they do in Germany, STOCK MY VANILLA SUGAR JDSKJFLDFG
So then I was thinking, well, I could probably also make my own cinnamon sugar, but there's not so much point to that since it's easily found in stores. Maybe it would be cheaper? Taste fresher? Probably, to both. So maybe I will make some when it gets closer to Christmas, to sprinkle on top of cookies/roll cookies in, which is what the vanilla sugar is for as well.
So then I thought about it some more and realized I can really flavor sugar with a lot of things. Any spice that I can find whole and dry, right? And I THINK I've heard something about lemon and orange sugar, using the rinds...I'm going to look into all that, because I can't think of what particularly I would actually want to flavor my sugar with, but I love flavored sugar.
Also, been enjoying Ghost Adventures a lot lately. Until like five seconds ago when they showed an actual photograph of a dead horse. Like, died in the dessert, mummified horse. As scared as I am of living horses, dead ones are EVEN WORSE. I have a hard time registering them as actually dead for some reason, so I have the impression that the eyeless, dried-out body is just going to get up and come after me ;n;
[17:08] Me: ((btw my cookie cutters got heeereee eee excite))
[17:08] Amanda: ((make me a raptor snickerdoodle or I won't love you anymore >:C))
[17:08] Me: ((um you can't shape snickerdoodles 6 u 9))
[17:08] Me: ((you roll them into balls lol))
[17:08] Amanda: ((I'll roll your balls))
[17:09] Amanda: ((>:C))
[17:09] Me: ((>:C rood))
[17:09] Amanda: ((also why can't you shape them?
[17:09] Amanda: ((I do not see the problem))
[17:10] Amanda: ((all I see is "Hmm Amanda should love me forever, I'm going to make her reptar snickerdoodles" = problem solved))