Feb 14, 2007 07:47
Put up your hand if you're sick of Reality TV. If you don't have your hands up, I hope it's because you don't have any. Maybe you're a cow or some other kind of farm animal. If so, raise a hoof. That'll be fine.
I must have missed the memo, but when did reality TV become entertainment? I find the enjoyment factor of most of these shows roughly somewhere between those infomercials that are on late at night and bashing my head repeatly against a blunt object. Sure, Survivor was mildly entertaining for maybe the first 73 seasons, but they're running out of tropical isands to "strand" these idiots on. Besides, who came up with the term "reality" TV anyway? When's the last time you were stranded on an island with no food and actually wanted to stay?
But I digress. Obivously the 12 cents it costs the networks to make these shows is a tad cheaper than re-runs of The Simpsons, but enough's enough. I mean, it started with Survivor. Then Big Brother. Now they're following people at the airport because apparently that's entertainment. What next? Shopping for Sugar where we follow old Mavis to three different supermarkets because they've run out at the convenience store. (Which, incidently, a convenience store without sugar - that's pretty inconveneint. They should call it an inconvenience store.)
Lucky no-one had a video camera the other day when I sat down too fast and gave myself a wedgie. I would have seen it on the next episode of When Good Underwear Goes Bad.
In all seriousness (or at least not as much dry sarcasm as normal) do the key demographic (presumably mid-teens to mid-20s) watch these shows because they actually enjoy them? Or is it because there's just that slight possibility that unscripted TV may serve up some nudity (since Superbowl only comes around once a year - I'm sure I saw Prince's nipple at the half time show, and let's face it, he's no Janet.) Or is it one of those things that "the young kids these days" watch because it's cool. Kinda like skate-boarding or listening to Eminem.
And I'm not even gonna talk about all these Jackass type shows. There's hundreds of them now too. Sure, people hurting themselves is humorous. That's why funniest home videos has had so much success. But what person in their right mind says "Hey, Barry - Grab the video camera! I'm gonna set my testicles on fire!"