Ring Tones

Feb 12, 2007 23:11

I've been seeing this amazing new thing now for quite some time. You can actually spend your hard-earned bucks on what they call a "Silent Ringtone". As the fiendishly clever name may have tipped you off it has two basic features - Firstly, it's a ringtone. Second and most importantly, it's silent. I think this is a great idea. Wouldn't it be great if your phone had a feature where you could have it make no noise when someone called. Oh wait - IT DOES! It's called "silent" or on some of those new fandangle fancy phones there's a feature called "vibrate". Again, with the clever names. One makes your phone silent and the other makes it vibrate. I'll let you figure out which is which. If anyone has actually bought one of these ringtones, please let us know so we can mock and humiliated you.
Which reminds me of something. Heard that saying "Best thing since sliced bread"? You know what? Not that great. I mean, it's handy, but I'd argue there are many things which are better. In fact, as far as inventions go, it's pretty shithouse. Why randomly pick something which is relatively ordinary? Is it to make the "next best" thing sound pretty darn good when it's in fact crap too? "Wow, those muffins are the best thing since sliced bread". Sure the muffins sucked the big one, but hey - almost as good as bread.
If it's just to make something sound comparitively good, why not use something bad? For example, "Best thing since Beta Video players" or "Best thing since I got hit by that car last week".
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