Here I am at home, thinking jeez, shouldn't I be working on something, but having the kind of brainfog that can only be cured by a strict Atkin's Diet regiment. I've called a few friends out for a quick coffee, with the idea in mind that my plans for making a social encounter the goal of this evening are shaky at best. The alternative, so far, has been poking about re-reading
Pacific Novelty entries, which would translate well to book form with minimal effort. Just sayin'.
I'm in a show in the spring, if all goes well, a one-evening gig tentatively called Enteraction, which is fine and uncreative and I dig it on that level (except seeing it written now makes me realize that it easily anagrams to Ant Erection, which is
an amusing pun and has a certain mnemonic quality).* It's a good opportunity to revisit a lot of projects I've been working on over the past few years and assemble them into something presentable.
I keep wanting to take on new projects, but that seems ill-advised at the moment. I dunno.
Anyway, I can't wait to graduate and actually have a real income. That'd be swell.
*Other interesting rearrangements include a cretin tone, neon cat tire and