Assorted Ouran Shorts #6.

May 05, 2012 23:32

A collection of Ouran one-shots, various pairings and scenarios.

Title: Signature Scent

Character(s): Kaoru

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Ouran High School Host Club belongs to Hatori Bisco and related companies.

Word count: 688

Preview: The name 'Kaoru', written with the kanji 馨 , means 'fragrance' or 'perfume'.


The name 'Kaoru', written with the kanji 馨 , means 'fragrance' or 'perfume'.

From the age of five, Hitachiin Kaoru has occasionally accompanied his mother to the laboratories and factories of Hitachiin Parfums where he has observed the creative process and seen with his own eyes the making of perfumes.

While their passions for clothing are at a commensurate level, Kaoru knows that his twin derives more enjoyment from the accessories section - Hikaru likes the tangibility of the jewellery, the belts, the bags; he asks for opportunities to stitch the label onto the insides of a bag, or to try his hand at stonesetting and examine the gems to learn about colour and clarity grades.

Kaoru likes accessories too, but he is captivated by the perfumery.

Perfume, like music, exists in the imagination.

The realm of possibility excites him. By itself, smell (like sound) can evoke certain emotions though it cannot impose any specificity on any individual. Profiling services and bespoke perfumery exist because of this - the scent that a person favours will say something about the person. Adventurous, conservative, sophisticated, clean -

Endless facets that make up the core.

The interpretation of any fragrance is governed by personal taste and life experience. The same scent is received differently by every person; Kaoru and Hikaru are different people who seem to be received in the same way by everyone. Their lives have run entirely parallel and they have always liked and disliked the same things, even if to varying degrees. Always.

For no other reason than the way they feel, Kaoru can detest a perfume that Hikaru adores. Within this fact is the power to change a world: Kaoru's feelings make him unique.


How can Kaoru not be spellbound?

Fashion should not ignore any of the five senses. This is lesson one from their mother. Every member of their family wears privately commissioned scents - secret recipes that remain locked away in their library and passed down through the generations. Their grandfather and father's scents are crafted by their grandmother and mother respectively, carefully formulated every step of the way, a labour of love and devotion, a game of attraction, an appeal to sensuality and mortal instincts.

Following in his mother's footsteps, Kaoru will only create and develop a scent for the person he loves and intends to marry or has married. Of course he makes inputs towards the range of perfumes produced by Hitachiin Parfums - making contributions is not tantamount to dissolving his heart in a liquid pool of essential oils.

To be driven nuts by a lover's scent, to be haunted by it for a lifetime… Kaoru knows himself well enough to foresee the damage it will do to him if the lover is faithless. He is at once difficult and easy to seduce: his demands are exacting and onerous, yet he will sell his soul to the one who meets them, without reservations and without the ability to save himself or to be saved.

Kaoru's signature scent is distinctive, significantly unlike his brother's. He does not wear it often - he loves it too much; it hurts him too much.

Instead, for the vast majority of his years he has spritzed himself with a myriad of perfumes, styling himself after the identity that the fragrances embody and project. At club, he smudges his sexuality with Silver Mountain Water or Millésime Impérial; he ramps up their twincest act by putting on a touch of femininity with Le Parfum de Thérèse or Kelly Calèche while Hikaru wears all the bad boy scents. Ordinarily it's anything goes for Kaoru - men's, women's or unisex, skin scent or high sillage - whether Sartorial or No.5, Héritage or Green Irish Tweed. Sometimes, Kaoru picks scents that he hates - there is no better cloak than that of contradicting himself.

In his dreams, he has met the scent that will enslave him. He knows how the love of his life will smell like when they cross paths, and he knows that when presented with his exclusive composition, this person will cherish it as an exquisite masterpiece.

From that fine day onwards, Kaoru resolves to also wear himself ingenuously.


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