Left Unsaid - Chapter 5

Dec 09, 2007 21:58

Title: Left Unsaid - Chapter five


Summary: Rose Weasley believes there isn't a chance in the world, the most popular guy at Hogwarts could fall for her. But is that true? A night in the library seen through the perspective of Rose and Scorpius alternatively and the events that follow.

Ratings: PG

Pairings: Rose/Scorpius

Disclamer: The following characters belong to JK Rowling.


Rose was panicking and she had good reason to. She was supposed to meet Neime Zabini in a couple of hours at the entrance of the castle. Rose kept looking at her watch and then towards the portrait hole to see whether Anna had returned from her date with Edward. She needed to speak with her, make sure she listened to every word she spoke before she went off on a date with Neime. This time she was going to do it right, with someone else's help ofcourse.
"Where have you been? I have been worried sick here. Or did you forget all about your best friend in the middle if your little romance." Rose said as soon as the portrait hole opened to show a sliver of Anna's red coat.

"Whoa...let me breathe Rose." said Anna panting as she got inside the common room before sitting down on the armchair.

"Two hours! I am supposed to meet Mr Neime bloody Zabini in two hours." cried Rose as she started strutting around the room biting her fingernails which had lost half its length since she asked Neime out.

"Relax dear. How many times do we have to go over the details. Behave quite civil towards him through out the date , and by civil I don't mean advertising your Weasley temper, but be nice and cordial. Towards the end you come clean. Tell him you were hoping to make Scorpius jealous."

"What if he gets angry? What if he blows his steam off on me. Have you seen how tall and muscular he is?" asked Rose her hair now bushier than ever looking as though a forest was growing on her head.

"Oh yes I have." said Anna naughtily, winking at Rose as she took off her coat.

"Anna.." started Rose irritatedly.

"Alright, alright. Look, this is where you have to be smart. Make sure you are nice to him. Sweet talk to him as much as you can. Or in other words 'suck up to him'. And when finally you tell him the truth, apologize like crazy. Snivel at his feet and beg for his forgiveness."

"Suck up to him and snivel at his feet." repeated Rose frantically

"I doubt whether you would need to do that anyway." continued Anna ."Zabini and Scorpius are like brothers and he knows how Scorpius feels about you. He probably won't mind. And even if he did, I don't think he'd ever be harsh on his best mate's girl."

This calmed Rose a little. She knew Neime would restrain his anger at her especially since she was Scorpius's love interest. But Rose was more worried about whether it would hurt him. He had after all admitted to having liked her for a while.

Anna clearly didn't understand what it was like to have one's heart broken. But Rose knew more than well how it felt like when someone you liked walked off with another person. A feeling she had gone through all those times she saw Scorpius with Armene and heard rumors that they were going out together.

"Alright, next we dress you up for your date." said Anna with a wicked smile.

"Hey wait." cried Rose in protest but Anna was already pulling Rose by the elbow, up into their dorm.

Once they got into their room Rose said "But I thought this wasn't a real date." horrified at the thought of what Anna was planning to do with her.

"Exactly. Which is why dressing up in your usual wardrobe would give him a feeling of being used. He'd think you didn't even bother spending time to look good for this one short date. Like it meant nothing to you."

"But it does mean nothing to me." cried Rose failing to understand what Anna was aiming at.

"But you shouldn't give him that feeling." said Anna wearily, annoyed at how slow Rose was at grasping such things.

"Pretend as though you are enjoying yourself. Acting indifferent and showing no interest whatsoever would make him feel insulted. The last thing you would want to do to someone you're about to dump." said Anna and went into her drawer by the bed from which she gathered a handful of cosmetic products.

"Besides, I love makeovers." said Anna with a wink laying them all down on the dressing table.

"Fine." Rose said giving up and looking warily at all the stuff lined up in front of her.

As Anna started applying the Sleekeazy's potion on her hair, Rose thought of Scorpius and hoped she didn't bump into him today. She would have to settle things with Neime first, only after which she could tell Scorpius how she felt about him.
Green or Blue?
Blue makes you look fat.

But its brings out the color of my eyes more.

But green is Rose's favorite color.

Neime Zabini had been going through this inner monologue for the last two hours and still couldn't come up with a decision on what to wear.

He had initially not wanted to care too much about looking good as he was planning on breaking up with Rose the next day on the pretense of 'not wanting to commit to anything'. He had thought over many excuses and this one seemed to fit the best and going by his reputation, Rose would have seen it coming anyway.

But he somehow couldn't help getting nervous and kept rummaging through his wardrobe trying to put on his best shirt. This date was infact quite special to him even if it was probably the last one they'll ever have together. He finally decided on the green shirt since it was Rose's favorite color, something Scorpius had advised him on earlier in the day.

Scorpius' attitude after last night's depression seemed to have gone through a complete turnover as he seemed unusually cheerful. He even gave Neime a few pointers on Rose's preferences. And before Neime could make head's or tail's of this new development, he had left for the library stating the excuse of preparing for the exams which were more than two months away.

Don't worry mate. Just this one date. She's all yours after that, he had thought to himself as he saw Scorpius's deplorable pale figure retreating out of the dormitory.

Neime looked into the mirror, adjusted his hair, and after being satisfied with what he saw, gave a wink and a nod to himself and left the room, with a bouquet of Rose's in his hand.
"Rose...Rose...Are you in there?..I've been looking all over for...Whoa!!" exclaimed Lily as she stopped dead on her tracks looking into the reflection of very pretty looking girl.
Rose turned around from the mirror and flushed the same shade as her blush as she said "Incase you're wondering. She put me up to this." pointing accusatorily towards Anna who scowled and mumbled something about being ungrateful.

"Rose you look really pretty. Good job Anna." said Lily giving a thumbs up to Anna before continuing..

"So Scorpius finally asked you out? I can't imagine you doing this to yourself for anyone else." she said excitedly.

Rose looked towards Anna wondering what to say when Anna replied. "No, she's going out with Neime."

Lily's eyes widened as she took in this piece of news. "Neime? As in Neime Zabini. Oh my god Rose how in the name of Merlin's most dirty underwear did you bag that hottie!" cried Lily in excitement.

"Lily. Would you stop being so excited. I didn't bag him okay? I asked him out and he said yes. As simple as that." Rose said putting on her lilac skirt and matching blouse.

"Not only that." Anna chipped in "He said he's had a crush on her for a while."

"Ooh .Wait till James and Albus find out. They hate Zabini." Lily said while chuckling.

"They don't hate Zabini. They just have their silly arguments over Quidditch. Boys." replied Rose shaking her head.

"Rose, you might want to hurry up." said Anna looking over at the clock.

Rose started panicking as she put on her slippers. She took a few deep breaths and looked one final time into the mirror and still couldn't believe what she was seeing. The Sleakeazy potion always worked wonders on her hair but it was worth too much trouble. And Anna had done well with the makeup making sure she hadn't gone overboard with it. The end result was that Rose looked casual yet very pretty.

All three girls got out of the dorm and walked into the common room where they met with Hugo whose eyebrow had taken its usual position on his forehead whenever Rose went out on a date.

"Going on a date, I presume?" asked Hugo skeptically.

"You presume right." said Rose who was fed up with his over protective nature despite being her younger brother.

"And could I know who the lucky gentleman is." he questioned, maintaining the fake politeness.

"Neime Zabini." said Rose which led to a collective gasp from some of the nearby girls. But it was nothing compared to the reaction from Hugo whose face had switched from the fake smile to pure shock..

"What? You're going out with Zabini. Are you out of your mind Rose?" cried Hugo, at which point Anna and Lily decided to step back. It was safer to play with Hagrid's pets than interfere in the Weasley family arguments.

"No. The last time I checked, my mind was still functioning properly." replied Rose flaring up.

"Rose. Zabini's a good for nothing flirt who treats girls like crap. Do you know how many girls he goes out with every week. And if you heard some of the stories that are going on around about Sally Smith and him. And worst of all, he's a Slytherin."

"Like father like son. You sound just like Dad. Being a Slytherin doesn't make him a a Death Eater or anything. And I don't want to hear another word out of you Hugo. I'm old enough to decide whom I date. Thank you very much." spat Rose and walked off, Anna and Lily following her cautiously.

"Well don't come crying to me when you get in trouble." shouted Hugo from behind as the three girls clambered out of the portrait hole.

Just when Anna and Lily thought Rose was calming down, they were met with James and Albus the latter of whom didn't wait before bursting out.

"Is it true Rose? I just heard from Scorpius. Is it true you're going out with Zabini."

"Oh not again." Rose said wearily.

"Well is it?" piped in James.

"Yes I am." she replied, gulping at the thought of Scorpius and wondering how difficult it must have been for him to have told her cousins of her date with his best friend.

"Please tell me this is a joke. Coz I can't think of our Rose going out with a scum like Zabini" remarked James.

"And what if it isn't." answered Rose crossing her hands in her arms.

"Rose. He's Neime Zabini for goodness sake." replied Albus trying to reason with Rose.

"Funny how I recall someone saying that he was an okay bloke." said Rose turning to James.

"Well he is an okay bloke with us guys. I mean Scorpius wouldn't be friends with him if he wasn't." James said in his defense. "But Rose, he's one of biggest flirts in this school. You're too good for him. You don't need to date someone like that." finished James.

"I'm going to say the same thing I said to Hugo. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. So back off before I cast a bat bogey hex on both of you." spat Rose and stomped off down the stairs.

Lily shrugged and gave an apologetic look to both her brothers who were standing slightly alarmed before following Anna and Rose down the stairs.
Neime was waiting at the entrance hall having given up looking for Scorpius everywhere. He had first gone over to the library where Scorpius said he would be, but couldn't find him there. He had checked the Quidditch grounds and everywhere else but to no avail.
He wanted to assure him once more that he wasn't planning on taking this anywhere but to no luck. He knew Scorpius had on purpose wandered off somewhere wanting to be alone, something he did when he was upset.

Sighing, Neime looked over at the stairs hoping this date would turn out to be a disaster, making his decision easier for him. He secretly hoped Rose would dress up funny, overdoing her makeup or something, so that he would be repulsed by her looks. But he knew that would never happen since he liked Rose for what she was and not how she looked. She could turn up dressed like his grandmother and have warts all over her face and he would still like her just as much.

But before he could finish thinking of the various possibilities that would result in a disastrous date, his eyes fell upon someone coming down the stairs. He had to blink twice to recognize the pretty girl walking towards him and when he did, realized that his worst nightmare had come true.

When Rose Weasley finally came up in front of him and smiled, all promises he had made himself vanished from his mind and he selfishly thought he wouldn't give her up for anything in the world.
Author's note: Hope you liked it. Even if you didn't please do tell me so. I could improve my writing based on your suggestions.

rose/scorpius, fanfiction, harry potter

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