Timeless love (Chapter seven)

Feb 10, 2009 14:07

For anyone still following this story here's the new chapter

Title: Timeless love(Chapter seven)

Author: potionslover

Pairings: Rose/Scorpius

Summary: What would happen if our futures depended on the choices we made in the past. Will it abridge the gap that Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy have placed in between them. Or will it inadvertently destroy their lives as well as the lives of those around them.

Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for profit. Harry potter belongs to JK Rowling.


The Meeting

"You have to be kidding me," screamed a young blond as he scanned his reflection in the mirror from head to toe.

"Nope. Mirrors don't lie," replied a voice from behind.

The boy twirled around to see who had spoken. Upon seeing a smirking Rose he retorted,

"I can see you've put in a considerable amount of effort in trying to look good," said an irate Scorpius referring to the long, floral 17th century gown Rose was wearing. "Allow me to observe that you have failed miserably,"

"Sorry but I don’t follow fashion tips from people who dress up like clowns,"

"I was given these to wear by Roslyn's father," said Scorpius through clenched teeth.

"So was I. You need a certain elegance to pull off the right look," replied Rose waving her hands like a fashion model.

"So I guess I have company then," sniggered the blond.

"If you're done with the verbal tennis would you mind coming down? Roslyn's father is waiting for us," said Rose, tired of arguing.

Scorpius without disputing agreed to follow her into the living room.

"There you are Mr Malfoy. Come, come. We need to change your appearance, lest you should evoke suspicion again," said Roslyn's father as he took out his wand.

Slowly and warily Scorpius approached the man worried he might damage his hair, something he considered beyond pristine.

With a quick wave of his wand, Mr Lancelot transformed each blonde strand of Scorpius’ hair.

There was a chuckle from behind, the source of which Scorpius learned was Rose, which was all he needed to demand for a mirror.

"No!" screamed Scorpius upon the reflection of red on the mirror.

"What is it Mr Malfoy? Do you find it unpleasant. Personally I feel as though my wand did a good job. You look quite dashing, even as a redhead,"

"Uhm Mr Lancelot. No offense. But could you change it to some other colour. Black perhaps?" asked Scorpius.

"No no my child. The color red was intended to make you look like the sibling of Miss Weasley here," he said.

Scorpius turned to look at Rose who shamelessly flashed her teeth at him. Now he understood why she took up the chore of calling upon him to come down so cheerfully.

"Then why couldn't you turn her into a blond?" demanded Scorpius.

"Because I recalled that a majority of the townsfolk had remarked about your hair. And since they seemed to have noticed it so keenly I couldn’t risk you walking out on the streets in the same manner, could I?" he replied warmly.

And with that he walked out of the room, to check on the arrangements made for a few guests who were arriving that day.

"I think you look admirable Mr Malfoy,"

Scorpius wheeled around. He took in a heavy breath at the sight of the beautiful young woman in front of him. Roslyn was dressed in a bright sunlight yellow gown, which brought out the color of her cheeks. Sadly her hair was tied up in a scarf. But even without the hair she looked like a princess. A sweet petite princess.

“Roslyn.. You look…you look…”

“Like the sun exploded on your dress,” whispered Rose from behind .

“Beautiful,” finished Scorpius, ignoring Rose’s comment.

Roslyn blushed profusely, adding more color to her fair cheeks.

As Scorpius and Roslyn stared at each other ignoring Rose’s presence in the room, Mr. Lancelot walked in and addressed Scorpius and Rose.

“Now listen carefully my children. This entire exercise is to convince the townsfolk that both of you are distant relatives of ours who have decided to spend a few weeks with us. The townsfolk aren’t particularly scrupulous and would therefore most likely not recall you from your rather unfortunate tryst last week,”

Rose unknowingly flinched at the thought of the forks and the fire.

“But then Sir. Why aren’t you coming along with us?” asked a curious Rose.

“Because Miss Weasley, the Headmaster and a few other Hogwarts professors have decided to pay me a visit. I shall have to be here when they arrive. We shall be discussing at length about your current state of trouble. You can meet them when you return from town,”

“We’ll be on our way then Father,” said Roslyn and all three of them walked out the front door, Roslyn’s father eying them with concern in his eyes.

Scorpius and Roslyn, on the way to the village were engaged in an animated conversation. Rose on the other hand felt annoyed at being ignored so openly. She had never really bothered herself with the rude comments from the girls at Hogwarts. She always had a thought of comfort for herself. I don’t try to look good. I don’t bother.

But for some reason this entire episode with Roslyn had her questioning her principles. Would I look good if I tried? But one thing she couldn’t understand was why she was feeling uncomfortable every time Scorpius complimented Roslyn’s looks. If she craved attention, the last person she would want it from was Malfoy.

Rose, resigned to her thoughts kept quiet all the way, unaware that a pair of dark black eyes were following her and her friend.

An air of silence was floating inside the residence of Mr Lancelot. The kind of silence which was heavy in thought. Mr Lancelot’s study was packed with extra chairs as a number of elderly scholars sat around pricking their brains about something.

The eldest man of the group was seated in Mr Lancelot’s armchair with his fingers on his chin. His beard was a long as Roslyn’s hair and the mark of intellect was branded on him ever so distinctly. It was also him who spoke first,

“Irwin. This is quite befuddling indeed. The laws of magic have been twisted so vigorously that we may have trouble finding a plausible solution for it,”

There was a nod in agreement from everywhere in the room as Mr. Lancelot sat upright in his chair, looking worried as the Headmaster continued.

“It is quite evident that this concerns two of the most powerful objects in magic - time and death. It may even be possible to answer the age old question of who is more powerful once we learn of its outcome,”

“Surely we cannot gamble with the children’s life could we?” asked a concerned gentleman from beside Mr Lancelot.

Again there a was unanimous agreement from around the room.

“This concerns magic which is as dangerous as it is powerful and therefore we would need someone who is well acquainted with this form of magic,” said the Headmaster while standing up from the armchair.

“A portal has been accidentally created. Portals have often been researched by the Dark Arts followers. We must find one such person in order to learn more about it and what it implies,”

“Headmaster. Surely you wouldn’t want me to accost my brother. There is no telling what he would do once he found out about this,”

“No Irwin. I am not talking of Bernaby, but about someone else. You do recall our friend from Hogwarts who quit his job because his rebellious ideas weren’t implemented at Hogwarts. A friend who has a considerable amount of experience in Dark Magic as well,”

“You don’t mean Professor Kai, do you?” asked the round bellied gentleman.

When the Headmaster nodded, the room went into a unanimous gesture again, except this time the room disagreed with the Headmaster’s decision.

“Nay. What do you say Headmaster? Kai is as dangerous as Bernaby, perhaps even more considering his intellect. He could wreak havoc once he finds out about the portal,”

The rest of the crowd excluding Mr Lancelot voiced their agreement but the Headmaster disregarded the complaints and went on.

“I disagree with you gentlemen. Kai might have an inclination towards the Dark Arts but his heart is in the right place, A disagreeable man he maybe, but he would surely not reap benefit from this. Instead I assure you he will come to our service and help the children,”

The rest of the men didn’t share the enthusiasm of the Headmaster, but went along with his plan by trusting his decision. The four men decided to call upon Professor Kai the next day.

“So who is this Professor Kai?” asked Rose as she helped Roslyn fold the bed sheets.

“I have never met him. But I have heard my father speak of him at length. He used to be a Professor at Hogwarts,”

“Which subject did he teach?”

“Defense against the Dark Arts. And it was his keen interest in the very same subject that caused him to be removed from the school. Professor Kai was of the firm belief that the students had to be more aware of the Dark Arts in order to learn how to defend themselves against it. But many Hogwarts professors balked at this idea and saw this as a ploy of Kai’s to train an army of Dark arts followers,”

“How did your father feel about it?” asked Rose curiously.

“My father always detested Professor Kai since he maintained a close friendship with my Uncle Bernaby. He says any friend of my Uncle’s is bound to be untrustworthy. However there are a few Hogwarts professors which include the Headmaster as well, who stood by Kai, claiming that he was a proper gentleman whose intellect and fascination with the Dark arts caused him to go astray,”

Rose’s mind at this point jumped to another person. Everything she had just heard paralleled the story of the great Severus Snape. Since Rose was a great admirer of the former Headmaster she found herself wanting to meet the man who resembled him in so many ways,”

“Where does he live?” asked Rose

“By the lake on the other side of town. They say he trains young witches and wizards in Dark Arts. My cousin William is one of his students. Propriety isn’t something he teaches. One can derive that from my cousins appearance,” said Roslyn jeering.

Rose suddenly recalled her last meeting with Roslyn’s cousin and realized that she was right. William Lancelot, had given her the most frightening impression upon their first encounter. With his wildly matted hair, abhorrently shabby clothes and a terribly hoarse voice, Rose wondered whether she was to expect such a similar appearance from Professor Kai under whom he was supposedly receiving training.

Roslyn informed her that her father and the Headmaster had called upon Professor Kai to arrive at their house to discuss the issue at hand the very next day. Once Roslyn left the room, Rose collapsed on her bed and wondered what Professor Kai looked like. Within moments she wandered into her dreams, with the image of a wild looking man like William with long hair dangling loosely on both sides of his dirty rugged face and with a voice as hoarse as a bear.

rose/scorpius, fanfiction, harry potter

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