Still crushing on people, so I thought I'd pic spam you all. Here are my crushes. From latestest to oldest.
Tyler Perry - I LOVE HIS LIPS! And he's a genius!
Suzanne Westenhoefer - Comedienne and Panelist on the new I've Got a Secret. I don't know why I like her, so someone - please - explain this one for me.
Chris Meloni from Law & Order: SVU - hubba hubba!
Elizabeth Pena (far left) - So Sexy, Great Voice
Helen Mirren - Need I say more?
Mama Mariska Hargitay - Pregnant or Not - She's gorgeous - Just like her mother.
Alan Rickman - Yummy voice, Yummy nose, Just plain yummy.
Fannie Flagg - I still want to have her babies - you know, gorgeous, blue-eyed, red-headed, literary types.
Melinda Mullins - My Mentor (especially during my senior year in High School). Once again - a genius and SO GORGEOUS!
Kevin O'Rourke - and when I say Kevin O'Rourke - I mean Scott Sherwood because no matter how much I wanted to be Hilary Booth (see "Melinda Mullins"), I was a Betty *hides face in shame* And what Betty in her right mind doesn't fall in love with Scott Sherwood?! *cough, cough*
Sharon Gless (w/ Frank DeCaro - also a panelist on I've Got a Secret) Yes, my first female crush was Sharon Gless. I loved her as Chris Cagney on Cagney and Lacey (see below).
Christopher Plummer - the man who started my nose fetish. Yummy.
Bruce Boxleitner - My first crush - Lee Stetson on Scarecrow & Mrs. King *le sigh*
And that's it, folks. Unless I forgot someone ... in which case ... I'll be very very sad.