Global cooling

Apr 27, 2007 12:04

So there has been a lot of media attention to global warming at the moment. So much so that it has become a political point for out next election. Fantastic.

Of course the global warming is due to gases in our atmosphere that reflect the heat normally leaked into space back to the earth instead. This heat is initially transformed from electromagnetic frequencies that easily penetrate these gases, hit the earth and become heat.

Fantastic hey?

Now there is one solution I haven't heard bandied around.

Nuclear winter.

One of the threats of the seventies was that if all of the nuclear devices went off in a war, the world would suffer from a nuclear winter due to all of the particals floating in the upper atmosphere blocking the sun out and thus cooling the world. Everyone would die, that is humans, because our crops would fail, the temperature would plumet and we would have radioactive particals dropping on us for the next way too long.

So obviously that would be over kill. Not to mention the radiation.

As I understand it, the radiation is a result of fission nuclear devices. Fusion doesn't have the same problem. Or at least not to the same extent. It is quite capable of launching all of those dirt particals up into the upper atmosphere where they can do their cooling work.

So the maths involved would be quite tricky. Let off a couple of hydrogen bombs and measure the effect on the worlds temperature. If it isn't enough, drop a couple more.

But where? You ask.

I can think of a few good spots I would like to see gone. Lawyer schools for a start.

More seriously though, a couple of thousand tonnes of dirt in the upper atmosphere would not only bring the temperature of the world down, but it would also make out sunsets look even better! Who here in Western Australia remembers the glorious sunsets we got for a whole year due to a volcano depositing large chunks of dust up in the air?

I guess another bad side effect is the irritation of having dust dropping down on everyone all the time. This may agravate conditions such as asthma and emphasima. However it is a small price to pay for the survival of the rest of the world, right?

So, who's with me? All you need for a hydrogen bomb is a 25 cm balloons worth of hydrogen compressed to the size of a pin point, some high level shaped explosives and a large chunk of land to set it off on. Don't test it in your backyard lab.

Of course, my nuclear science is a bit rusty, so if anyone can see any major faults in this plan, please, let me know?

tongue in cheek, global warming, nuclear winter

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