Log: Yanagi and Inui

Sep 04, 2009 22:52

Who: Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu
Where: Somewhere on the campus grounds
When: Friday afternnon, September 4th
What: Two geeks meet for a chat.
Warnings: Lots of data, academia, and some philosophical talk.
Rating: G (oh come on. Like either of them are socially aware enough for anything else!)
Comments: Have at it!

Another meeting. With another vampire. Renji was vibrating with excitement -- he was immersed in his life's work, and it was as compelling as he'd hoped. He had his laptop bag under his arm and trooped to the rendezvous point, looking about for someone 189 cm tall.

Inui was waiting casually, lounging against a tree and flipping through one of his textbooks-with his mix of home schooling and switching schools so often, he needed the time to figure out if he was behind or ahead of the class (but usually ahead). Though, even as fascinating as the textbook was, he was more fascinated with the idea of this human who seemed to be making a study of vampires…not something he usually encountered.

Ah, there. Renji found the tall person, tilting his head as he realized that the vampire wore glasses. That made his second glasses-wearing vampire, when he'd thought that physical imperfections would somehow be erased by the vampiric state. The more empirical data he collected, the more rich and varied he found vampires were... "Yanagi," he said briefly, nodding his head. "Are you Inui-kun?"

“Yanagi-kun.” Inui closed his book and gave the human his full and complete attention. “That would be me, yes.” He nodded his head in greeting and slipped his book into his bag. “You are studying vampires, correct? What does your sample group look like so far?”

Renji tilted his head up, studying Inui. "It's a sample set of convenience," he said. "I consider it more of a case study than anything statistically significant." He walked a tiny circle, looking Inui up and down. Inui was imposingly built. "I wonder if your physical form mirrors your special ability," he muttered. Yukimura-kun, for example, was small and lithe as an electrical wire.

“Hmmm.” Inui had considered that thought on occasion as well. “It is possible. Atobe-kun has been referred to as an icy personality, before, and his looks are very…cool. I am not sure if that could apply as a general rule, though.” He shrugged. “And there are always exceptions to rules as well, even if that may be the general case.”

Icy. Cool. Renji pondered this, putting his bag on a table. Atobe. He'd start a file on that one. "I would...be honored if you showed me an example of your telekinesis. I'm not sure what rules apply to the use of power within school bounds."

“We are not allowed to use them to cause harm. I suspect the school would rather we not use them at all, but that is hard to enforce, on a variety of levels.” Inui paused, then pulled his book out of his bag again. “As I will not be using this as a weapon, I see no harm.” He put the book on the ground, then stepped back, making it clear that he had no physical contact with the object, merely eye contact as the book left the ground and hovered a few feet in the air.

That was...no less that completely amazing. This was the second opportunity he'd had to observe powers and close hand and he stepped forward to make mental notes about the size and heft of the book and Inui's proximity, beaming the whole time. He was positively glowing by the end of his observation. "Thank you," he said in a somewhat more expressive voice than usual.

Inui nodded, still keeping eye contact with the book. “It is not a problem,” he said, concentrating a little as he made the book move around the area. “I regularly train with objects of approximately this size, especially when I am working on my precision control and distance. It is best to hone skills within the already known limits and tolerances.”

"Are your glasses necessary? Must you see your object clearly in order to raise and lower them?" That would be interesting. A good 'block' of the power, to remove Inui's line of sight, perhaps.

“Without my glasses, I am only effective at shorter ranges, because it is easier for me to lose visual track of the object.” To demonstrate, Inui moved the book in close again, then removed his glasses before sending it out on the same track again. It started to waver in the air about halfway to its previous location, and Inui paused. “As my vision blurs, the book starts to blend in with the surroundings, and I have trouble distinguishing it from other objects. Sometimes, I ‘drop’ the book, other times, I pick up other objects as well inadvertently.”

"Ahhhh..." Renji's speculation was correct. "Forgive me a moment." He opened up his laptop and typed for a long moment. Physical attributes limited vampire powers -- of course, but if this could be verified, it might provide some kind of glimpse into the mind/body connection. Then he blinked up, mindful that he should probably be somewhat socially ept as well. "Er. Thank you. That was a good demonstration."

“Again, it was not a problem.” Inui put his glasses back on, bringing the book back to land with an audible slap in his grasp. “I have been rather lax about training in recent days, anyway, with coming and settling here, so it was useful for me as well.”

"Where have you come from?" Renji asked, leaning back a little in his chair. "Do you have siblings, and if so, do they share your power?"

Inui had to think hard about that rather simple question. “I was born in Kyoto, and my family’s complex is in Tokyo. I do not believe I am ‘from’ anywhere, though, as I have not lived in one place for longer than a year since I was…seven, I believe.” The thought for a moment. “Yes. I am an only child, which I believe, is of benefit to my parents. My mother is telekinetic, though, and my father is…well, I am not sure how to classify his power. He can make plants grow. I am not sure if that has a specific name,”

"I see," Renji said thoughtfully. Renji had an older sister, one equally human and powerless. "It would be fascinating to see how power is traced through generations. Whether it is linked to a particular gene... Ahh." He smiled just a bit. "When I graduate, I hope to enter a program where I can do genetic sequencing of human and vampire genomes..."

“That would be a fascinating endeavor, and one that I am not sure has been undertaken before, not on the vampiric side of the equation, at least.” Inui settled back against the tree and slid to the ground, rather gracefully despite his height. “I am not sure I have such specific plans for after graduation. My parents want me to join them in their work…I have other ideas, though, that would take me in a slightly different direction.”

Inui was graceful. Despite being tall. Renji noted that, and flopped to the ground with all the grace of ... ok, none. "It would be good for you to continue such work. I might join the human equivalent."

“It would be good, I am not saying that.” Inui fidgeted with the book for a moment before sliding it away again. “My interests merely lie in a slightly different direction, but one that could be just as beneficial ti mortal/vampire relations.”

"And?" Renji prompted. "What are your own interests?" Inui was exhibiting interesting physical signs. Perhaps some kind of mental turmoil.

Inui closed his eyes and rested his head back against the tree. Telekinesis without his glasses always left Inui with a slight headache. “Have you seen or heard about the blood tablets from any other the other vampires that you have talked with?” Best to know exactly how much he may have to explain.

"Yes," Yanagi nodded, complete with a 10% increase in bloodflow to his face and ... lower. "Yukimura-kun showed me 'eating.'"

“Hmmm…judging from the increased blood flow…and pulse rate,” Inui tipped his head to the side, able to hear the whisper of blood flowing faster through the human’s veins, “I’d question either exactly how he showed you eating, or your own feelings about it. In any case, did Yukimura-kun say anything about the taste of the tablets?”

Damn. This one was observant. That made Renji open his eyes just a little and peek at Inui from under his bangs. He was somewhat impressed, even. "I have yet to meet someone who cares to collect data in the way that I do."

Inui shrugged. “Data is a very useful tool to have about anything. People, places, situations….” He nodded. “Personally, I don’t see why someone would not collect it.”

That was enlightening. "I quite agree," Renji said, eyeing the other person. It was strange. Someone very, very similar to himself -- almost as though he had a compliment -- or a rival. "What is your area of research, specifically?"

“Specifically? The blood tablets.” Inui tilted his head back to look at the sky. “They are truly an inferior comparison to true blood, despite the nutritional similarity, and much of that is purely because of taste. There are other drawbacks to them, too. So it is my goal to make the tablets as similar to actual blood as possible, in ALL areas, to remove that stigma…and, perhaps, by default, reduce some of the…preying on the mortal population.”

"Please, go on," Renji said, listening with greed. It was rare to see inside the mind of a vampire, and a data-vampire no less. "I was...asked if I desired to become a donor. I am still undecided."

“From what I understand, it is a difficult decision to make, and a very personal one, as well.” Inui nodded. He had never fed from anyone in memory, mainly because he had too much respect to even ask, let alone…take, as some did. “It is a matter of chemistry. Flavor is based on chemistry, as well as nutrition. It is a matter of finding the right formulas that mimic both.”

That was interesting. Perhaps that was why Yukimura had asked him to donate. Perhaps he was the right...combination. Yanagi stowed that away for later reflection. "By chemistry, do you mean something pheremonal?"

Inui chuckled. “Not quite. Pheromones have more to do with…attraction and mating. I am sure you never ate a meal because you desired it in a sexual manner. No, there is a whole science of flavor chemistry, of making artificial additives taste identical to the natural sources. That is more my area of research.”

Once again Yanagi had to think about this -- the request to donate had seemed...well. Yukimura had been caressing Yanagi's leg with a foot at the time. Yanagi's forehead wrinkled. "Empirical evidence suggests otherwise..." he pondered. "It seems as if there is a sexual component to biting."

“I would not know. I have never bitten anyone.” Inui shrugged; he really had nothing to contribute there. “I suppose there can be a sexual component, as the act can be…intimate. But at the same time, I know many vampires have bitten and there was no sexual component or attraction at all. Just the hunger, and a convenient meal source that tasted better.”

"I see." Yanagi discretely cracked his laptop and added to his 'diet' file. Taptaptaptaptap. Then he felt a strange impulse. If he wanted to donate to anyone, it would be to Inui -- because then, Inui's data would be complete. There was a strange, compelling force behind this desire to contribute to greater knowledge. Yanagi frowned at himself and stowed the impulse away. Love of knowledge could perhaps get out of control. "Do you eat human food as well?"

“I do indeed.” Inui smiled. “For me, it is much like dessert would be for you. A treat to be enjoyed, but not necessary for my health and well-being.”

"Hm," Yanagi said. That corroborated Yukimura's statement. "Do you still have the taste for food, however? Are the tastebuds the same for vampires?"

Inui covered his mouth with his head, hiding his smile until he could get his features back under control. “I am afraid that I cannot answer that, having never tasted with a mortal tongue before,” he pointed out. “To the best of my knowledge, though, the flavors are more…hmmm. Muted, I think is the best word. My theory based on my observation that vampires seem to prefer strong flavors. Possibly an adaptation to the rather metallic overtones of blood.”

"Interesting. I would've thought all of your senses would be heightened. Which brings me to your glasses. ...You're the second vampire with glasses that I've met. Are you not technically...well. Dead?"

“Some senses are heightened. It seems to vary based on the individual, just like with mortals. We are not all of a piece. There may also be variants in born versus turned, though I have not conducted a study.” Though, that would be fascinating…no. Inui didn’t have the time for that…a pity. “You will find that not all vampires take well to the term “dead.” We eat, reproduce, grow…we fit many of the definitions for the word “life.” In the strictest mortal terms, then yes, but remember that we will outlive you.” Inui nodded. “Word choice can become a trap, sometimes.” He patted the tree he was leaning against. “Not everything lives in the same manner, Yanagi-kun.”

Yanagi stared at the tree. That was an interesting metaphor. "I am confused, I suppose. I had always imagined that the need for blood arose from a physical urge to replace that which was missing... but I see that your hearts beat. And surely you have bone marrow that creates blood. Therefore...you are simply otherly adapted humans who have very specialized diets and elongated lifespans...and powers."

“That is a good way to look at it. For whatever reason-and there are several theories, that have been written over many times, I can give you a bibliography of works if you like-vampires have evolved to metabolize blood. Much as fish have evolved to take oxygen out of water, vampires take nutrition from mortal blood. And the tablets, which are really a recent development. If you were to study mortal and vampire blood chemistry, you would find several notable differences, and the need for blood would make more sense.” Inui couldn’t remember the last time he had enjoyed a conversation so much. “And there are clearly subsets within the vampire spectrum, or there would not be degrees of powers, or those who lack powers. And some similar variants must exist in the mortal pool, for some to be turned, rather than killed.”

"I would like that bibliography," Yanagi said. "Undoubtedly there is some connection between lifespan, powers, and the inability to properly metabolize vegetable matters... I'd speculate about which came first. Perhaps ..." His brain was racing... "Perhaps it was the urge to predate that came first, and the adaptations of powers came in order to gain an edge over your prey?"

“If you will give me your email address, I would be happy to send it to you.” Inui nodded at Renji’s computer. “And that is the prevalent theory, yes. It is something that can be observed in the wild. The cheetah, for instance, which have evolved their speed in order to run down swift prey. Because the prey, for lack of a better word, for vampires is a thinking one, our powers, senses, reflexes, et cetera, give us that slight advantage. Along with the nocturnal tendencies; we are most aware and active when our “prey” is the most off-guard.” Inui paused. “We also pay for our longevity with rather…low birthrates, though it may not seem as such when in a place such as this.”

"Really?" Renji said dryly. "It seems as though vampires are mostly gay." From his observation, at any rate, about the dorm activities. He gave his email address gladly, asking that Inui reciprocate.

Inui gave over his own email address, and chuckled. “Clearly not all vampires, as that would mean that many of us would not have been born. There does seem to be a higher skew towards bisexuality in vampires I have met, possibly because of less of a drive to reproduce coupled with the societal fact that many of the A and B class have marriages arranged for them. Again, I cannot speak for those who have been turned.”

"Arranged?" Renji shook his head. That was odd. Archaic, even. "That seems ridiculous in this era. Do you have a bride waiting?" He leveled his non-gaze at Inui. Such a strange situation for any young man, to know his fate before really experiencing anything else.

“Not as of yet, though I believe that has as much to do with my parents’ nomadic tendencies as much as anything else. And I am glad of it.” Frankly, Inui had no interest in marriage. “The potential for such an arrangement to be made does still exist, though.” He shrugged. “Archaic, yes, but there is no better way to ensure the purity of blood, you know, than controlling the mating process.”

"Why should blood remain pure?" This was a very interesting question. "Wouldn't diversity in genetic material maintain a healthier population?"

“Breeding.” Inui scowled a little. “You could compare it to the act of breeding a purebred cat or dog. Desired traits, such as powers like telekinesis or electric manipulation, are carried on recessive genes, and you have a much higher chance of getting offspring that express those genes if the parents express those genes as well. Which means that class A vampires will ideally only mate and breed with other class A vampires in order to preserve those traits in future litters, though sometimes class B vampires are acceptable. It is possible that the C class came out of a more diverse breeding environment. You will note that the C class has no powers, merely the heightened stamina, strength, and senses.” Inui felt a little odd, describing his race in such a manner, but sometimes, it seemed to fit the best.

"It is a shame that the strong traits are recessive," Yanagi agreed, sighing. He leaned back, pausing for a moment to digest, process, decode, store... "How were the lesser levels created? Through human-vampire interbreeding?"

“That is a possibility. There is also a possibility that there were originally two levels, the current A and B classes, with the only difference being the poisons the A class can produce…possibly comparable to the difference between the prevalence of right and left handed individuals. A combination of breeding between those groups may have led to the recessives not being passed on, then, eventually, bred out.” Inui sighed. “Without a stronger study into the matter, it is mere speculation on my part, and I am sure there is science to back up both theories. Though more of those from the higher levels seem more content to accept the status quo rather than understand it.”

"It is a shame that there is not a non-blood-consuming mosquito," Yanagi said dryly. "Perhaps one could be bred. It would be interesting to test genetic mutation via a swiftly-breeding population."

Inui laughed at that. “Depending on who you asked, mortals would be the equivalent of the non blood-consuming mosquito,” he pointed out. “Though, technically, only the female mosquito consumes blood, correct? It is a gender linked trait, and therefore not a valid comparison.”

Yanagi chuckled. "I suppose our lifespans do seem to flicker by compared to yours. What is your actual age? -- Ah, I was unaware. I am no entomologist, apparently."

“I was only made aware of that after a rather…nasty incident in….” Inui paused to think. “Somewhere in the Caribbean…was it Puerto Rico or Jamaica? No matter.” He shook his head. “I am seventeen years old, exactly as old as I appear to be. In fact, the differences in physical age will not become evident for five to ten years.”

"Interesting. Are you considered extremely young, or does maturation occur at the same pace as human maturation? The metaphor that comes to mind is 'dog years.'"

“From what I have observed? Emotional maturation occurs roughly at the same pace as with mortals,” Inui replied wryly. “If nothing else, I’ve seen as much drama in the vampire dorms than I have in any mortal teenage setting. Though to many of the elders, I would be very young, indeed.” He paused. “My parents are both over ninety, though, of course, the casual observer would not know it to look at them.”

"They were late to procreate," Yanagi noted. Very late, by human standards. "Is that about average?"

“I do not believe they were late.” Inui thought about it. “Not when you take into account both the longer lifespan and the lower birth rates. Though there are exceptions, you will not find many vampire families that have large numbers of children. It took my parents a long time to conceive me, and while I believe it is beneficial that they had no more children, it was not from lack of trying.” Boy, wasn’t it. “As for the average…I believe again, it varies. With a longer time in which to accomplish these things, those sorts of averages get skewed.”

"At what age do women go through menopause? Or do they ever?" Imagine, an eternity of fertility...

Inui shrugged. “That is a question I do not know the answer to. I am sure it is recorded somewhere…or you can find several vampire females and ask them.”

Those were difficult to come by, oddly enough. "Hm. Do you know any here? I have only met men." Although truly, some of the men were quite feminine.

“My mother of course. I have met many in the course of my travels. Though I admit I never engaged in such…personal conversations as that with them.” Inui really didn’t care to think about anyone in that manner.

"Apologies. It was simply a passing curiosity." Apparently it made Inui uncomfortable.

“There is no need to apologize for curiosity. I simply do not have all the answers that you would desire.” Inui didn’t think he would ever have all the information that Renji would desire…or that he himself would desire, for that matter.

"Ah. Yes." Yanagi stretched, feeling the happy feeling of his brain being (for the moment) full. "Perhaps we should meet again sometime -- or start an experiment that we can collaborate upon."

Inui nodded. “That would certainly be interesting, if we could find something that makes the best use of both our areas of expertise.” He studied Renji. “If I may ask…why did you choose to come to this school, anyway?”

"Ah. For the proximity to vampires," Yanagi said, nodding. "I wanted to be among the topics of my research interest..."

“This would be the place to do it, while still affording you relative comfort and safety.” Though Inui wondered if he should feel insulted, as the mortal almost made it sound like he was on a par with Goodall living amongst the apes.

Yanagi opened his eyes widely for a moment, sharing a happy expression. "I'll work on a research proposal," he said. "Something that involves both of our interests."

Inui found himself studying Renji’s eyes, as he hadn’t had a chance to see them well before. “Your eyes are rather expressive,” he commented. “I suppose it is not a surprise, then, that you keep them so seemingly veiled away. It wouldn’t do to wear your thoughts or emotions on your sleeve all the time.”

Eyes veiled again, Yanagi felt his skin pigmentation increase by the usual 5%. He sighed. Between Inui and Yukimura, something would always get him vaguely flustered. "I ah...er." Hmph.

Inui decided to not comment on Renji’s change in color. “I understand, you know. It is the very reason I have never made the switch to contacts.” He didn’t like the thought of just anyone knowing what he was thinking or feeling.

"Ah. Is that why." Yanagi wondered if Kite had had a similar desire. "I believe that in fairness you should show me an expression. Without glasses." He wasn't pouting too much. It had simply taken him by surprise to have someone...actually examine him, in much the same way that he usually examined others. He wasn't sure how to respond.

“I…errr…..” Inui hesitated. It was rare that he took off his glasses deliberately in front of another person (and earlier didn’t count, since it was clear Renji had more focused on the telekinesis than Inui’s eyes), and even rarer that he was asked to. “I suppose, in the interest of fairness….” Slowly, he drew off his glasses and looked over at Renji. “I do not know what kind of expression you would like to see.”

"That's...that's fine," Yanagi said, although he was growing slightly shorter of breath than usual. Also, his pulse had increased by a certain percentage. Inui's eyes were green, and glowed with intelligence. Yanagi gulped. Life was...complicated.

Inui let Renji look for a minute, then slid his glasses on again with some relief. It was…disconcerting, to be so exposed on that level. He did have to look away, though, as he heard the swish of Renji’s blood again, and realized he was staring at the mortals neck. “My apologies,” Inui said softly, staring at his hands and feeling his own face color…at least ten to fifteen percent redder than normal.

"Ah. We should...we should return." Yanagi stood, sorting his life back into order by shuffling papers and things around.

“Yes.” Inui nodded and stood as well, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Yanagi-kun. I did enjoy our talk.” He held out his hand to shake Renji’s.

Renji had just begun to bow, and whapped Inui's outstretched hand with his forehead. "Ah -- oops."

Inui chuckled. “Forgive me. I have spent the past several months in Canada and the United States, so I have grown used to the Western ways. It always takes a period of adjustment when I am back home.” Smoothly, Inui bowed as well. “No damage done, I hope?”

"Ah --" By that time, Renji had stuck his hand out, and was now impaling Inui in the chest. "Er. Ahhh...No, no. Are you okay?"

In truth, Inui had barely felt the hit, as amused as he was by the entire situation. “I am fine. Perhaps….” He reached out and took Renji’s hand in his own, as if for a handshake. “Perhaps we should bow on the count of three and cover all of our bases?” Hmmm. He hadn’t expected Renji’s hand to be as smooth as it was.

Increased pulse again. Hand to hand contact was certainly compelling. Inui was taller than Renji was by quite a bit -- and Renji was not a short man. It made him once again discomfited. "Ah. No. This will do." And. "C-come for tea, at some point. We will discuss our research." His voice was very, very dry, mostly because his throat was dry.

That time, Inui could feel Renji’s increased pulse, and he had to use all of his control in order to not just drop the mortal’s hand. “As you wish. Ah. Would you prefer for me to come to you for said tea, or would a more…neutral venue be more comfortable?” Inui had met enough mortals who balked at the idea of being “alone” with a vampire to make sure that the offer was open. And with the mood his roommate seemed to be in, Inui was certainly not going to invite Renji to his place.

"Ah. My room is fine." Why wouldn't it be? Strange. "Unless -- I do live with a slayer. No, hunter. Sorry. I get it confused."

“I would assume your roommate does not go around eliminating every vampire he sees, or else there would be fewer students in my dorm.” Inui had enough faith in his own skills to escape a hunter, at least in a confined area.”

"Ah. No." Renji dropped Inui's hand and turned to walk back toward the dorms. "Although...he is rather emotional. I would not be surprised if he shot first, thought later." Which was the problem with almost everyone in the world.

Inui slid his hand into his pocket, watching Renji go. “If that is the case, I will be sure to hone my ducking skills.” As well as some of his other skills, too, if he could possibly have to defend himself.

"Indeed." Renji turned and gave Inui a last look, not quite opening his eyes again, but very definitely observing him from beneath his lashes. "...I'll see you then."

Inui could feel Renji’s gaze, and he fought to keep his voice steady as he replied, “You certainly will. Have a good day, Yanagi-kun.” He wasn’t used to being studied as he studied others, and it was proving to keep him on his tones. Inui felt a friendship with Renji was going to be an interesting thing, indeed.

character: inui sadaharu, place: campus grounds, character: yanagi renji, rp log, rating: g

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