Colette Molire

Jun 06, 2004 07:45

There's a parody here by vampirenaomi. You should read it, because I'm in it. Oh, yeah, and because it's rather funny. And there are lesbians.

Today's Sue is after Jack. Again. And she's French. Again.

TITLE: French Rebellion
CULPRIT: savvy2515
SUMMARY: "A feisty young French woman is trying to figure out how to live her life, when she is "saved" and imprisoned by a certain mysterious, yet irrogant Captain. What adventures lie ahead for them? Can they tame eachother or just compliment themselves? PG-13 f"
BEST LINE: "'So much pain on your body, Jack.' she said circling the wounds.

He stepped toward her, barely an inch of water separating them.

'Ye could give my body pleasure,' he whispered to her." Since when is Jack starring in a bad romance novel?

and after TEH SEX when Sue says that Jack's had plenty of women:

"It was always just a quickie with no pleasure...just a good time." Dude, if they were pleasureless quickies how exactly were they a good time?


This shot is meant for you, Sue.

NAME: Colette Molire
EYES: not described or if they were I didn't care enough to check thoroughly
HAIR: "curly and messy, but sexy"
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: By chapter three she's wearing "a loose wrap skirt and button-up blouse...with only a few buttons done, showing her midriff." Later "her dress was fitted, but untied at the top, revealing the top of her breasts."
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE ORIGIN: Some thief, pirate, criminal or something.

Bonus Sue

Rosalina Morales- "She was very beautiful. She had dark brown hair, curls flowing. Dark skin which looked very pure against the white lace dress she was wearing."

THE "PLOT": So Jack sails into Tortuga for supplies and stuff. He see some soldiers (on Tortuga?!) chasing a girl. She beats up a few of them and a commodore (on Tortuga?!) finally comes and captures her. He also demotes some colonel because he was beaten up by a girl. They take Sue to a fortress or something to be hanged (on Tortuga?!) and read her absurd list of charges ("Colette Molire, you are being hung til' dead for crimes against her royal majesty and Europe. Crimes in detail such as impersonating Queen Mary of Scotland at her majesty's birthday celebration. Burning the Mort Homme Prison in Toulouse, France. Acting subversive toward Commodore Nelson and the imperial soldiers. Shooting Colonel...err... Sir Hamilton in the foot. Stealing her majesty's royal coach and torching a copy of the laws of England"). Jack saves her for some reason. It may have something to do with him constantly thinking that she's "tough" and "fiesty." They are chased by soldiers and guards (on Tortuga?!) and they flee back to the Pearl. Gibbs does his normal objecting to women on board thing, and Jack does his normal ignoring Gibbs thing. Sue resists and doesn't want to be aboard the Pearl because she doesn't like pirates or something. Jack won't let her go for reasons unknown to me. He forces her to become a part of his crew or to be his prisoner and threatens her with torture and harassment if she chooses the latter. Seriously.

Sue, of course, becomes ingratiated with the crew and proves herself and blah blah blah. Then, one day, for no logical reason, Jack decides to attack the Dauntless. Then, spitting in the face of plausibility, he takes the Dauntless by brute force killing the entire crew except Commodore Norrington and Gilette. Then, making no sense whatsoever, the Dauntless is for some reason, all of a sudden, carrying expensive cargo to be stolen. Of course, the only reason for all of this is so that Sue can reveal that she and Norrington were once engaged. Jack is about to kill Gilette and Norrington (?!) and Sue demands that he doesn because Commodore Norrington is a good man. She then instructs Commodore Norrington to take his ship and go. Jack protests that he's the captain. Sue cuts him off and says that if Jack doesn't let Norrington go she'll leave. Jack stops trying to kill Norrington and goes storming off back to the Pearl. Somehow Gilette and Norrington sail the Dauntless away with no crew. I weep bitterly.

Sue goes to talk to Jack and he's angry at her. She whines that she doesn't want loot and she works good and blah blah blah so Jack owed her this one favor. She insists that two men and an "old ship" do nothing for him and he wants her on his ship so blah blah blah. I go and cry some more. They land on an island and the next two chapters are just Jack and Sue running around the island eventually they have sex and there's badporn and bad romance novel dialogue. Sue's hints at a mysterious angsty past, but no one cares. She and Jack have more sex.

Meanwhile, Commodore Norrington decides that he wants Sue back cuz she's so speshul and fiesty. Then all of a sudden there's some hot Spanish chick floating in the water. She's brought aboard the Pearl and seduces Jack. Yes, more badporn. Sue walks in and is, of course, heartbroken. Jack tries to explain that Sue2 kissed him and he wasn't kissing her. He doesn't explain the blowjob he let Sue2 give him. I find it all very funny. Sue uses Cotton's parrot as a carrier pigeon and whine to Norrington to come get her. Jack gets mad.

NOTES: Is there anything worse than badly-written sex scenes?

Oh yeah, badly-written sex scenes in this really badly-written story.

Holy Random Tense Shifts, Batman!

'Aye, go get plastered and pleasured, mates!' cried the tan pirate Captain with braids and beads tossing about.

Pirates jump off the large iron catcher with black sails and run toward the closest bar/whorehouse they see.

Captain Jack Sparrow needed to store up on supplies, rum and where better than Tortuga?

If all the places in the world were like this town, no man would ever feel unwanted. Jack thought to himself.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his kohl lined eye, he saw a young woman running from some soldiers.

What's goin' on over there? Jack decided to follow the chase and see what happens...just for entertainment.

The soldiers corner the girl and try to arrest her, with no luck. The young lady beats up the two clumsy soldiers, and even shoots one in the foot.

Jack is impressed by this small, but obviously tough, woman.

She starts to run, but is surprised by the commodore. Jack listens to the commodore's conversation with her.

'We've been looking for you, Miss Molire, for a long time-' he cuffs her, '- of course I had to come get you myself because these men are impertinent...can't even catch a little 18 year old girl.'

Molire? Jack thought, a grin growing on his face, that's French...

The commodore hands over the girl to some more soldiers, and rolls his eyes at the shot one.

'Colonel...' he sighed, 'you really must take into consideration that she is much smaller than you, and you were beaten up by her... you're demoted.'

Then he turned toward a large soldier, 'Take him to a doctor.'

The commodore then led the soldiers and the girl toward the center of the town. Jack follows the commodore and the feisty Miss Molire who is kicking and screaming.

They put the now calm Molire in the noose. A man in black starts to read her crimes against the crown. Jack sat on the surrounding wall listening in. 'Colette Molire, you are being hung til' dead for crimes against her royal majesty and Europe. Crimes in detail such as impersonating Queen Mary of Scotland at her majesty's birthday celebration. Burning the Mort Homme Prison in Toulouse, France. Acting subversive toward Commodore Nelson and the imperial soldiers. Shooting Colonel...err... Sir Hamilton in the foot. Stealing her majesty's royal coach and torching a copy of the laws of England.'

Jack smiled at the thought of this young woman committing those "hanious" crimes, he's impressed mostly because she's a woman... he could easily have done any of them, better even, but she was a girl.

The man in black reaches toward the lever to drop Miss Molire, seconds before she falls, Jack throws a jackknife at the noose, splitting the rope.

The commodore eyes Jack and cries,

'There! The pirate! Up on the wall, get him!'

Miss Molire falls onto the platform and runs to the end, grabbing her sword and gun holster, with a gun perched inside. The guards ran to her, swords out. She shoots the swords out of their hands and smiles at them. She begins to turn and run...right into the commodore.

'Hello again.' he said annoyed. He begins to cuff her when she is swung away, right out of his nose.

'I like your work, but yer sloppy.' Jack said arrogantly, while holding her with one arm, while the other is clutching a rope.

'I don't need your help, pirate!' she says, with a heavy accent, and slaps him.

'Well, that's not very nice.' he replied with no look of pain.

He let go of the rope and ran with her in hand, through Tortuga, guards and soldiers running after them.

'Let go of me!' she protests.

He pulls her into an alley.

'Look, lassie, i'm trying to help ye. So just corporate.'

She growls at him and twists out of his grip and runs from him.

'Hey!' he calls. He climbs quickly to the roof of the building beside him. He drops in front of her at the end of the alley, landing on his feet.

'How-?' she asked in shock that he beat her. 'I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy?'

Voices are heard yelling.

'There! The girl and the pirate!'

'No time for introductions, luv, time to run.' he said grabbing her.

He runs to the dock and yells to Gibbs on the Pearl.

'Gibbs! Cast off!'

'Aye, aye, Cap'n.' he unties her from the dock as Jack picks up the girl, throws her over his shoulder, and jumps onto the deck of the Pearl.

'A woman!' cried Gibbs, 'Leave pleasure on the land, Cap'n.'

'Business, Gibbs, not pleasure. We could use her.' he said.

'What?! I'm not staying on this boat!' she cried from over Jack's shoulder.

'Ship.' replied Jack.

She started kicking and hit Jack in his soft spot.

'Oh god...' Jack squealed, dropping the girl on her butt.

Jack whispered, 'See Gibbs? She's tough.'

'Still Cap'n, women are bad luck.' then he walked away.

Oh joy. Bad pr0n.

When he turned, his back revealed many scars, painful looking slashes.

'Oh, Jack!' she cried wading over to him quickly.

'What?!' he cried, not knowing what she was freaking out about.

She touched his scars softly.

'What happened?' she asked concerned.

'Oh nothing, just battle wounds. Every pirate has got some.' he smiled, trying to hide a face of anguish.

'They must have hurt something terrible.' she said tracing the scars.

He quickly turned, grabbing her small hand.

'Aye, that they did, luv.' he gazed at her lovely face that stared back at him. She had a face of fear.

'Tell me what happened, Jack. Will you?'

'Not now. Let's just enjoy this place.' he smiled, avoiding the subject.

She could tell he didn't want to talk about them.

'Alright, later then.' she smiled. She looked down at his chest and saw two bullet wounds. She placed her hand on them. His chest was strong and hard. The holes were rough and dark.

'So much pain on your body, Jack.' she said circling the wounds.

He stepped toward her, barely an inch of water separating them.

'Ye could give my body pleasure,' he whispered to her.

She placed both hands against his chest.

'Jack, I-I don't know.'

'I'll be gentle, luv.' he leaned down and kissed he forehead. He put his large, strong arms around her waist. He leaned further and kissed her lips. She slid her hands up and around his neck and kissed him back. He slid his hands to her butt and pulled her against him and kissed her neck. She let out a quiet moan. She didn't mean for this and when she heard herself, her eyes popped open and pushed away from Jack.

'No, Jack, I don't think we should.'

He grabbed her hand.

'Why not, luv?' 'I don't know. It's wrong.'

He moved close to her again, and moved so his mouth was against her ear and he whispered, 'How can something wrong, feel so good?' He bit her ear softly and moved down to her neck. She put her arms around him. He put his hands at her thighs and then moved her legs up around him. As he kissed her, she felt his arousal hardening. She knew it was wrong, but she wanted it.

'Ohhh...Jack...' she moaned as he moved down to her chest.

He reached up to her back and undid her brassiere and slipped it off her. He slid his hands up and down her side, while he kissed her. Their tongues intertwined and he started to bite her lips. They breathed quick deep breaths, moaning in between them. Jack moved her up, out of the pool and onto the floor of the cave. She slipped off her lace shorts as he undid his trousers. He then slipped on top of her. He pushed himself into her slowly, at first, and then faster and harder. She cried out loudly from pleasure. He smiled at this.

She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down gripping him. She tugged on his hair as he rhythmically moved his hips against her's. She exhaled quick, short breaths as he released into her.

'Oh god, Jack...' she pressed her lips against his roughly. He pushed back harder and passionately. A warm sensation ran though her body, causing her to cry and eyes water. Her lips were bruised from the force of Jack's. Jack's rhythm slowed and he pulled out of her and laid beside her and sighed heavily.

‘Oh god, Jack...’ Colette moaned as she turned to face Jack.

‘Told ye it could be pleasurable.’ He said out of breath.

‘I had no idea anything could feel so wonderful.’

‘Me either.’

She put her arm on his chest and her hand reached up to his braids and she tugged gently on them.

‘You’ve had plenty of women, Jack Sparrow.’

‘Aye, but not one so passionate. It was always just a quickie with no pleasure...just a good time.’

‘Now what?’

‘Ye want to go again?’ he asked in a happy shock.

‘No, I mean what happens now. We can’t be like this with the crew around.’

‘The crew isn’t always with us.’ He smiled.

Sue's heartbreak. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Jack walked back to his cabin thinking of the beautiful young woman. He walked in and laid on his bed gazing at the ceiling. He saw something move in the corner of his room. He sat up quickly. The dark woman came out of the dark corner, a sheet wrapped around her.

'What are ye doin' 'ere, Rosalina? Yer cabin is down the hall, luv.'

'I saw you looking at me.' she said seductively in her heavy accent.

She then dropped the sheet and revealed a naked, tanned body, with curves in all the right places.

'Oh god...' was all he could muster.

She walked over to him gracefully and straddled him pushing him into a laying position on the bed. She slipped each hand into each side of his shirt and ripped it clean down the middle. He just stared in awe.

Then she moved her hands to his pants.

'Whoa! Whoa!' he cried jumping out from under her, causing her to roll of the bed. 'Gracias, senorita, but no.'

She stood up and walked over to him like she never heard a word. She pushed him against the wall and pushed herself against his body.

'Wait, wait.' he said moving away from her, infront of the bed.

'Poca la boca.' she replied.


'Shut your mouth.' she said evily, pushing him onto the bed. She reached to the bottom of his pants and in one quick pull, they were on the floor, leaving Jack naked.

She climbed on top of him and licked the outside of his mouth and moved to his chest and then slid her tongue down...lower. He was nearly in an unconscious state of pleasure when he realized where her mouth was. He looked down at her and quickly got off the bed, leaving her naked.

'No, no, senorita. Gracias pero no...err...el sexo lo siento.' he said trying to speak Spanish.

'Why not?' she asked, a bit stunned, 'Was it not pleasurable?'

'Oh no, I mean yes very...wait! No, no, it can't be--'

She stood up as he rambled on-

'--it can't feel good because--'

Then she ended up against his body again.

'Am I not desireable?' she whispered into his ear before nibbling it.

She heard soft footsteps approaching the door. She smiled and quickly planted her lips on his--

'Jack I--' a voice started then abruptly stopped as the door swung open.

Jack's eyes widened.

'Colette!' he pushed the naked Rosalina onto the bed, revealing his naked body.

Colette looked at him and then at the naked Spanish woman. The woman smiled at Colette.

'Colette!' he cried covering up his...member...with a bottle of rum, 'It's not what it looks like!'

'It never is!' Colette yelled just before slamming the door.

Jack heard heavy footsteps running away.

'You!' he cried at Rosalina, 'Put some damn clothes on!'

Then he threw on his pants and ran after Colette.
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